fifty four

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Harry's POV:

After what feels like an lifetime and a half, including Niall coming back up to the hospital room and bringing a few spare sandwiches and crisps with him for the both of us, I finally hear the hospital door open. I jump up off the chair I'm in like my arse is on fire, and a sense of relief washes over me when I see a relatively happy-looking Louis rolled back into the room on his hospital bed.

"Is he okay?" I'm quick to ask Dr. Nicks and Dr. Kunis, and Louis giggles a bit from the bed.

They both nod in confirmation and Niall stands up to talk to Louis while I talk to the doctors. "We put a cast on his arm and he'll need to have that on for around 4 or 5 weeks until his broken wrist heals. Thankfully, it's a clean break and with some daily over-the-counter pain relief medicine, he'll be perfectly fine." I glance over at Louis' right arm, which is bandaged in a bright green cast.

"What about the cuts he has?" I wonder, noticing his head is still heavily bandaged.

"As for the cuts, we'll send you two home with some antibiotics. That is, assuming you're going home and staying together for the time being? If not, we can send them home with someone who will be there to help him apply it and keep the bandages fresh."

"I'm taking him home and staying with him, yeah. So I just need to make sure he gets his medications and keeps the bandages fresh, right?"

"Yes," Dr. Kunis says, "Also, for the next week or so take it easy and make sure he's relaxed and not doing anything that can be physically exhausting. He has a minor concussion that should heal in the next week or week and a half. He can still look at screens and all of his normal activities, but he'll heal faster if he avoids intense exercise."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. I'll keep good care of him, I promise."

Dr. Nicks gives me a warm smile. "I'm sure you will, you two seem wonderful together. Dr. Craig told us about both of you, and Louis wasn't shy about informing us on your relationship after we put him on strong pain relief medications to help with the bandaging of his arm, for his own comfort."

"Is that why he's so giggly?" I can hear Niall and Louis dying of laughter at god knows what behind me by Louis' bed. The doctors both nod and grin.

"It'll wear off soon, but he might be a bit excitable and giddy right now. It's one of the very common side effects, similar to laughing gas." Dr. Nicks tells me, "Oh, honey, Louis is actually free to leave in a few hours and we'll be back in an hour or so to help him into your car. For the time being, press the help button if you need anything from us, and we'll be here. Feel free to converse or whatever you'd like with Louis. We're just a few rooms over - room 34 B - preparing the medical records and getting you the proper antibiotics and medications."

"Thank you for everything, truly. I couldn't thank you two enough." They give me grins and give Niall and Louis a quick goodbye before leaving the room.

I make my way over to Louis' bed and Niall excuses himself and leaves the room as well, leaving just Louis and me to talk. I sit on the edge of the bed, my eyes looking over the features of Louis' face that I've grown to love so much. From his slight stubble to his thin lips and electric blue eyes, I love everything about him. And it kills me inside and out to think that he could've died because I FaceTimed him, or that I kicked him out in the first place. After all, we wouldn't be sitting here now if it wasn't for me overreacting.

I open my mouth to speak, so I'm taken by surprise when Louis talks first. His giggly personality has seemingly died down like a snap of my fingers, and his mood is replaced with a serious and concerned one. "Harry, what happened to you?" Is all he says, staring up at me with big eyes.

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