fifty three

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Louis' POV:

I feel dizzy and my head hurts like a bitch. I'm not exactly sure what just happens and I feel rather drowsy, keeping my eyes closed as I hear shuffling and movements around me. My head is pounding from the ringing and wailing noise of sirens, but I don't really know where they're coming from. I just hope they'll shut up soon.

"Put him on oxygen, Dr. Nicks, while I get the bandages, gauze, and saline. He's got a huge gash on the side of his head and it needs to be wrapped before he loses any more blood," A soft and distant voice says, but I'm too groggy and in too much pain to care who they are or what they're doing.

A soft pair of hands start to fumble with my head and I can feel them putting some sort of liquid on my skin near my right ear, which terribly stings at first contact. Eventually, they also slip an oxygen mask over my mouth which makes breathing much easier than it was before and I do my best to take deep breathes.

When we hit some bumps it finally registers in my mind that I'm in an ambulance. But by this point, I'm drowsier than ever and my body hurts all over. I screw my eyes shut even tighter, wishing the pain would simply fuck off.

"Sir, are you okay?" A second distant voice asks me as I feel something poke my hand at the same time. I flinch at the feeling and the person holds my hand still when I try to pull it away. A simple nod of my head to confirm I'm okay is a total lie, but it takes less effort than explaining that it feels like my head feels like it's been run over by a steamroller and then thrown around inside a pinball machine.

I lose track of time after that but become a bit more aware of my surroundings. I can feel the ambulance stop and I'm rushed into the hospital on what I presume is a stretcher. I don't open my eyes at all in hopes I don't increase my dizziness and subtle nausea.

At one point or another, I'm completely undressed (by someone other than Harry, which is weird), and re-dressed into a baggy hospital gown. More feet shuffle around me after that, and I'm suddenly being lifted onto a soft bed, where they cover me partway with some thin sheets.

I open my eyes just barely, and find myself in a moderately-sized hospital room. There's a fair amount of doctors around and I can see a pile of my bloodstained clothes on a nearby cushioney chair. The lights feel obnixiously bright, but a person leans over the bed and gets my attention before I go to close my eyes again.

"Mr. Tomlinson? I'm Dr. Nicks and I'll be watching over you while you're here. How are you feeling?" The lady asks me nicely with a warm smile on her face. She looks like she's probably in her low 30s, with long wavy blonde hair and bangs framing her face - like the type of aunt in those movies that everyone wants to have in real life.

" 'm okay, but I've been better. What happened?" My voice is groggy and hoarse and I barely recognize myself.

"Unfortunately, sweet pea, you got into a car crash at the intersection between Main Street and 7th Street. Your car was hit from the side by a truck and the paramedics found you when you were barely conscious in the driver's seat. You're in the emergency room right now and we think you have a concussion, but only a minor one. You also have several rather severe cuts along the right side of your body and head from when the truck hit your car door. X-rays also need to be taken on your right wrist because it's quite swollen and likely broken. But you'll be alright, I promise."

"Oh," Is all I croak out, unsure of what to say next.

"We're going to get you on medicine after we confirm the concussion and after we use the X-rays to see what is and isn't broken. I know it may not seem like anything, but the severity of the crash, it seems as though you've gotten away with very few injuries. Most people break ribs and multiple bones in those types of crashes, and some even pass away. So its something short of a miracle that you've gotten away generally unharmed."

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