twenty seven

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Harry's POV:

"G'morning, Louis," I say groggily as when he stirs next to me.

"Morning, Haz. Did you sleep better after we went back to bed?"

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for helping me calm down and stuff. Normally I kind of just suck it up and end up staying wide awake for the rest of the night,"

He leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Of course. Do you get those night terrors a lot?"

" 'm not sure, but I think maybe once or twice a week if I had to guess. I don't always remember them happening after its over so it's hard to count."

"Oh," He nods, "What was it about?"

My uncle taking advantage and sexually abusing me for years while I was still too young to understand what was going on and too young to know that it was in fact NOT something uncles normally do to their nephews.

I just stutter a bit, not ready to tell Louis about the abuse. "Um, just family stuff," I answer honestly.

He gives me an understanding look, and senses I'm uncomfortable about the subject. "If it makes you feel any better, I've had some super shitty history with my family too,"

My mind immediately fills with worry and concern for Louis. "What happened? Are you okay, love?"

He gives a small smile. "We just woke up and it doesn't feel like the time for deep and somewhat depressing talks,"

"You're right," We get out of bed and go downstairs.

"So," Louis asks, sitting down ontop of me on the sofa (there was plenty of space next to me but I don't mind in the least), "Have you got any plans for today?"

"Nope. My day is free for whatever you'd like to do,"

"Want to head to the cafe for som breakfast?" He suggests.

"Yeah! Let me just get changed and we can head out," I grin.

"I should probably get dressed too,"

Louis gets off my lap and extends his hand to help me up off the sofa. I get up and walk towards the stairs that we just walked down a few minutes ago when my phone rings.

"I'll meet you up there," I tell Louis and he nods, heading back upstairs to get changed.

I wander into the kitchen and answer my phone call.

"Harry?" Anna's voice rings out through the phone.

"Hi, Anna. It's so early in the morning! What's up?" She rarely calls my cell phone unless she needs to get in touch with me about something involving work.

"Can you come into the studio tomorrow? The team's got a few different designs they want you to look over before you wear them for a shoot,"

"Sure, but why not just do it on Monday?" I normally have the weekends off and work on the weekdays (unless I don't have any meetings or photoshoots - then I get the day off).

"Normally, yes, but one of the marketing ambassadors from HUGO noticed you when you did that collab shoot with Mr. Payne and he wants to schedule you two together again. I've got you scheduled for a call with him tomorrow at 2 PM,"

"Well, in that case, I'll be there for sure. Liam's a great guy and the shoot was fun. Thanks, Anna, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sure thing! Have a wonderful rest of your day," She says cheerily before ending the call.

I stuff my phone back into my pocket and head upstairs.

"Louis!" I call, walking towards the direction of my bedroom. I want to know if he's found anything that fits alright, since the majority of my clothing is a bigger size than he wears.

Make Me Beg ➸ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now