thirty five

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Louis' POV:

"Hey, Haz," I call out when I get back to Harry's house (which, if Harry says yes, will soon become my temporary home while Zayn and Liam work things out).

"Lou, you're back!" I hear Harry's excited voice echo through the halls.

I walk into the kitchen to see Harry packing up a picnic basket that's on the counter. The kitchen smells like he just cooked something, and I'm suddenly aware of the hunger in my stomach.

"Woah, all of this just for us?" I ask, giving him a warm kiss as a greeting.

"Mhm," Harry hums, "I've already got blankets and stuff up on the roof for us, too." He tells me as he packs a few drinks into the basket, closing it before I can see what he's got.

He holds out his hand for me and I take it, blushing at his little gesture. Harry leads me up the two sets of stairs and out of the door that leads us to the roof. It's sunny out, and the air is warm for this time of year with nothing more than a tiny breeze.

I look around and see that Harry's set out a few fuzzy blankets on the grass for us, with extras folded up neatly nearby. We walk over and plop down on them together, and Harry sets the basket down in front of us.

"Fancy a blanket?" I ask, and unfold a thick, blue blanket from the pile. I pull it over the both of us until we're wrapped up in it and cuddling against one another under it's warmth.

But, to be fair, Harry's providing a lot more warmth than the blanket. Hot-as-fuck people (named Harry Styles) who warm my heart and make me feel all tingly and fuzzy inside have a way of doing that.

Haz opens the picnic basket and I can finally see the wide assortment of foods and drinks that he's packed and prepared.

"Tonight I could give you a little variety so you could eat what you'd like,"

Hate to break it to you, Harry, but I want to eat isn't in that picnic basket.

Harry grins, completely unaware of my horny thoughts (which is probably for the better) and pulls out some fizzy drinks, crisps, and warm grilled cheeses out of the basket. He must've just made the sandwiches, because I can see the steam rising from them and dissipating into the air.

"Thank you, babe!" I give him a long kiss and find myself grinning against his lips. I love going little things like this with him - movies, picnics, cuddles, and all of that cute stuff.

Our grilled cheeses are gone minutes later, both of us more hungry than we realized.

"Haz, I have a question,"

"Sure, bean, what's up?" He pulls me closer to him under then blanket and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Y'know how I went to talk to Zayn this morning?"

"Yeah - I rather missed you this morning but I hope he's doing well!"

I frown a little bit, but manage to hide it by burying my face into Harry's shoulder. "About that. So some stuff happened and-,"

"Is everyone okay?!" Harry asks worriedly.

"I'm, I'm not really sure - it's hard to explain. Long story short, I was wondering if I could maybe live with you for a bit while Zayn works out his situation?" I don't directly mention Zayn and Liam's problem in the case that Zayn doesn't want me sharing that with Harry.

"Of course, if you won't want that I get it, it's totally okay. I don't mean tot pressure you into-"

Harry cuts me off. "You want to move in with me?" His mouth is is slightly open and he quickly sets down the bag of crisps that was in his hands.

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