thirty eight

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Louis' POV:

"So how are you and Harry doing?" Juan Luis asks me as I sit down in the break room.

"God, Juan, he's perfect," I grin fondly as I open my lunchbox, "You'll never guess what happened the other day,"

"What?!" He nearly jumps out of his chair.

I flash a bright smile. "I moved in with him!" I tell Juan Luis excitedly.

Juan Luis lets out a little gasp. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I just finished bringing a lot of my things from my flat to his house yesterday. Clothes, toothbrushes, and all that kinda stuff."

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you guys!" He gives me a warm smile and I blush a bit. 

I'm excited to live with Harry. It's only been a few days since he said I could move in, but these last few days have been a dream. Harry's just such a joy to be around and I genuinely have a wonderful time with him no matter what we're doing. 

Things couldn't be going better for us right now.

"What about Zayn and Liam?" Juan Luis asks, taking a bite of his pasta salad.

"They'll be fine without me. Some stuff happened that they've got to sort out and that's partially the reason I'm at Harry's." I leave out the nitty-gritty details about Zayn and Liam. Juan Luis seems to notice but, thankfully, he doesn't pry.

I texted both Zayn and Liam separately to check back in with them, and from the sounds of it, Zayn gave Liam a good talking to about the whole situation. 

Zayn also told me that he plans to beat the living daylights out of James if he ever sees James around again. I don't dare question Zayn either. Zayn surely wouldn't have a problem throwing hands at something if they touched (or in this case, made us) with Liam when Liam didn't want them to, no matter what the circumstances.

I'd do the same for Harry and Zayn and Liam, and I'd like to hope they would do the same for me, friends and boyfriends alike.

But with all that being said, I think Liam and Zayn working through it better than most couples would. Most couples would probably just call it off and break up without hearing each other out, which feels like it could lead to a whole bunch of devastating misunderstandings.

At the end of the day, I'm positive it was a drunken mistake. Liam's told me time and time again since it happened that he feels awful about what happened, and if he wasn't as drunk as a wasted alcoholic, he would never do so much as even think about cheating on Zayn. 

I know he feels terrible about the whole thing and we both know that he can't undo what's already been done. The only thing to do is cross our fingers and hope Zayn can understand and move on just the same.

Zayn's handled it fairly well too, and I think he's come to terms with it all and deep down he knows that Liam wasn't even aware that it happened. They're making up faster than I expected, too, which means I could probably move back into our flat in a few weeks.

But now that I'm loving with Harry, I don't have much of a want or need to move back in with them without Harry.

That doesn't mean I won't still go and see Zayn and Liam every day or so, though. After all, they're my best friends and I have a feeling Harry and I might be staying over at the flat and splitting time between my house and his.

"How are you and Niall?" I return my thoughts to the room, taking a sip of my warm tea.

He grins at Niall's name alone. "Oh my god, we're beyond great. I'm so happy with him, Lou, I really am. And..." He gives me a look and blushes a bit before his eyes flicker down to his pants and back up again.

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