forty four

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a/n: who's ready for me to make spelling mistakes during smut?? woop woop 😏 enjoy the 9.4 gif (bc ifykyk)

Harry's POV:

I finish the final song in my set - Girl Crush - and polite applause fills the cafe.

"Thank you," I say quietly into the mic before hopping off the stool and putting my guitar away. I'm bucking the final clasp when a pair of familiar and warm arms hug me around the waist from behind.

Louis keeps holding me there in a hug, resting his chin on my shoulder. I eventually turn around to give him a proper hug and kiss before picking up my sticker-covered guitar case with one hand and taking Louis's hand in the other.

"Haz, you sounded wonderful!" Louis gushes and I blush as we walk off the stage to meet Jen and say goodbye.

"Thank you, Bean," I grin and squeeze his hand a little tighter.

Jen's got a coat on since it's much colder outside now that we're near winter. Louis slips on a jacket and we all head out into the parking lot together.

"Will you be back soon?" Jen asks.

"Hopefully. I really enjoy being up there. I guess it all depends on how busy I am with my job and with Louis,"

"Oh, well, in that case, I hope to see you back as soon as you can make it! In the meantime..." Jen glances over at Louis and I see his cheeks redden, "I'm sure Louis will surely keep you preoccupied."

I can't help but giggle as Louis buries his head into my shoulder to hide the embarrassment.

"I told Kylie I'd meet her for lunch after my shift, so I should be going. It was wonderful to see you both!"

"Bye, Jen!" I give her a little wave.

Louis, on the other hand, is much less inclined to give her a nice farewell. "You better not do anything funny with that picture, Jen, or I'll come for you,"

She leans out of her car to respond, and I can't help but laugh at Louis's expense. "Don't come for me, come for your boyfriend," She smirks before quickly closing her car door and leaving the parking lot. A red-faced Louis just curses her out and flips her off as she drives away.

"For someone so bold in bed, you don't seem to be comfortable when Jen mentions sex," I joke as we get in my car.

Louis immediately buckles his seatbelt and I remember back to the story he told me (about being told as a kid if he didn't buckle up right away that the 'spring-loaded seats' would simply eject him from the car) when I first met him.

Louis must've thought the same thing because he looks over at me with a grin on his face. "This reminds me of the first time we met. Liam and Zayn ditched me when I went to go talk to you after your gig. And when you, being the angel you are, offered me a ride home and said I could have a ride anytime I needed one,"

"Yeah!" I smile at the memory, remembering how I 'accidentally' made a wrong turn just so I could have more time to talk to Louis. "And then I gave you my phone number and couldn't stop thinking about you ever since,"

"I have a question,"

"Give it to me," I prompt as we go down the road that leads to my house.

"Even though we're boyfriends now, does the offer of a ride still stand?" Louis looks me in the eye before his own quickly flick down to my trousers and back up again.

" 'Suppose so. Technically I said I would be here to offer one whenever you needed it," I bite my lip in attempts to hide a smirk, but to no avail.

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