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Louis POV:

"Do you think I should go and talk to him?" I ask, suddenly a bit nervous about the little introduction chat with Harry that I've been thinking about since first sitting down in the cafe.

Harry's just finished his final song - Lean On Me by Bill Withers - and he's being showered in polite applause. I continue clapping, genuinely impressed with his lovely voice and guitar playing.

"I mean, what if he just gives me the cold shoulder or thinks I'm some sort of creep for talking to him after his gig?"

Zayn groans and rolls his eyes. "Louis, lad, you think too much for someone who has less than half a brain."

Liam laughs at my expense and I kindly shut him up by kicking him under the table.

"Just give it a go. I know you don't know him and neither do we but he seems super sweet and gentle and doesn't look like he'd hurt a fly." Zayn adds.

"Zayn and I didn't fall in love by avoiding one another, and you'll never get anywhere with anyone if your best flirting tactic is being antisocial. You can't expect everyone to come running to you hoping to get a taste of what you have to offer and-"

Zayn and his dirty mind snickers and Liam looks confused at first but then quickly realizes what he's said and his cheeks flush.

"Not literally tasting you, because ew! I'll pass. I meant that you can't expect people to always approach you in hopes of getting to know you. You've got to step up to the plate, Louis, and maybe just maybe you'll get a hit."

"Yeah Louis, just find a baseball bat go swinging towards poor Harry's head. That'll make him fall for you... literally! But he might be a bit too unconscious to have a chat with you." This time, it's Liam's turn to laugh at Zayn's suggestion and he almost spits out the sip of coffee he'd just taken.

"He's not a fucking piñata, Zayn!" I half-shout.

"You don't know that. You don't even have the balls to go and talk to him." Zayn says matter-of-factly.

"Piss off," I scoot out of the booth as they burst into a fit of giggles.

"Are you guys going to wait in the booth for me?" They're too busy laughing their brains out to even notice me at this point.

I roll my eyes and shift my attention to the curly boy on stage. He's currently putting his guitar in his black guitar case, which is decorated with a variety of cute little stickers like flowers and smiley faces. His back is to me, and I can't help but to notice his nice little bum.

Focus, Louis. Get your eyes off of his ass and actually say something.

I don't say anything at first and he doesn't notice me standing there either, which buys me a tiny bit of time. I look around the cafe quickly and see Jen smiling at me by the entrance. She gives me two big thumbs ups and mouths 'good luck' with a smile. I nod my head and return the smile, mouthing 'thank you' back to her.

I take a final look over to our booth to find Zayn and Liam making kissy faces at me, a sort of childlike mockery. I discretely flip them off and turn back to Harry, who's finishing latching the final buckle on his case.

I clear my throat and try to tame the butterflies fluttering around in my tummy.

Step up to the plate, Louis, and maybe just maybe you'll get a hit.

Harry's POV:

"You're really good," A voice says behind me as I'm closing the final latch on my guitar case. The voice has a heavy accent - Doncaster, I think - and ikr doesn't sound like anyone that I know.

Make Me Beg ➸ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now