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Harry's POV:

"Nialler!" I yell his name, heading into the backroom behind the bar.

"Over here," He calls back and I find him loading a box of beer bottles - Guinness - into one of the big refrigerators Duckies has.

"Need any help?'

"Sure, thanks! This is the final box of bottles," He motions to a half-empty box by his feet, "This is what's been keeping me stuck back here for the last hour or so."

"Sorry, if I knew I would've offered a hand before," I take out a few bottles and I load them into the fridge.

"Technically I don't pay you, even when you work the bar, so you don't need to help. But I always love when you do."

"I don't mind, I like hanging out with you even if that means stocking the fridges. Anyways, what are you doing tonight?"

"After I close up-"


"After we close up," He grins, "I'm not doing anything. You?"

"Same here. Ashton is likely going to find himself spending the night at whatever place the guy he's snogging has, so I'm not doing anything with him."

"Speaking of, I saw you playing pool with someone new, or at least new to the bar," He furrows his brow for a bit, loading a few more beers in the fridge, "He looks familiar though."

"His names Louis and he said you were behind him in line for concessions when I forced you to watch The Notebook with me,"

"Yeah, that's where I saw him!" He wiggles his eyebrows and gives me a look, "Do you like him?"

"What? Niall, no! That's so random!" My face feels hot, but it's probably from the jacket i'm wearing.

He grins and I fold my arms with a huff.

"Puh-lease! Don't think I didn't notice you constantly touching his hands and stuff while playing pool,"

"He didn't know how to play, so I taught him the hand positions and stuff,"

"Yeah, sure, because you just touch people's hands like that while playing,"

"Ugh, Niall, you're too much," He makes kissy faces at me and I roll my eyes, "Didnt I teach you how to play pool like that too?"

He pauses, thinking it over. "Oh yeah, you did."

"Mhmm. So it's nothing really. If I'm lucky we'll become friends since he's a really nice guy,"

"Will I still be your best friend?" He asks, looking up at me.

I ruffle his blond hair and laugh. "It'll take a hell of a lot to make you anything less than my best friend. You aren't getting rid of me anytime soon."

"Good," He gives a cheeky smile, "I'm awesome like that, aren't I?"

"A thousand perfect yes, Speaking of awesome things, want to spend the night at your best friends house? Also known as my casa."

"I'm telling you it's a fucking mansion, Harold. And yes, I'd love to have a little sleepover, thanks!"

"It's just a house and you know it,"

"Mansion," He grumbles but I can see a smile toying his lips.

"We can head over after closing, yeah?"

Niall loads the last of the bottles into the fridge and kicks the empty cardboard box into a pile of similar discarded boxes from earlier; some have dents in their sides from his shoe, and the remainder are completely flattened from Niall jumping on top of them like a child on a trampoline.

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