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Louis' POV:

I don't really have a house to drive home to anymore, so I head back to my old flat because that's the closest thing I've got to my own place. I only moved some of my things to Harry's house and I've since visited Zayn and Liam loads of times and know they've kept my room just as I left it.

I park my car in the street and fumble around with my spare keys before letting myself in. I tried to call them both to let them know I was coming over but they didn't pick up their phone (it doesn't take a genius to guess what they were doing since they're ordinarily both fast repliers). I wipe away the angry and upset tears from my face and ignore the noises coming from their room as I rush into my own.

My bed feels inviting at first as I throw myself onto it and let out a broken cry into my pillow. It only takes a few minutes of my laying here in a sobbing and hiccuping heap for the bed to feel empty. I miss Harry. The way he smells like home, the way he backs up into my body so I can cuddle him, and even the way he clings to me for comfort when he wakes up after a night terror.

I miss him and it hasn't even been 20 fucking minutes.

Time flies by as I cry into my pillow. They're angry tears as well as ones of frustration and sadness. None of them, however, are directed towards Harry because I'm upset with myself. 

I mean, yeah, it was wrong of Harry to bring up my past trauma and use it against me in an argument and he's completely in the wrong for that. But with that being said, I lied to him about meeting up with Zayn and Liam instead of Ringo in the first place and then proceeded to scream at him when he was just trying to look after me.

I hate that I'm always the one to fuck up the amazing things in my life. Harry's the absolute best thing that's ever happened to me and I just ruined it. Harry says we aren't broken up but I still don't know where I stand with him and I feel like he suddenly feels so far away and out of my reach.

By the time I hear a soft knock on my door (it must be Zayn because Liam is the type to barge in without a second thought - he couldn't care less what I'm busy doing and he's always unfazed), my eyes are red from crying, my cheeks are flushed, and my nose is runny. I'm an absolute emotional wreck.

"Louis? What are you doing back here? Is everything okay?"

My response comes out as another broken cry, which only makes me cry harder at the sound of it. "N- no,"

"May I come in? Li is here too," Zayn's voice is soft and familiar. It's comforting.

"Mhm." I pry my face away from my thoroughly tear-dampened pillow and sit up on my bed.

Liam and Zayn both enter and sit down on either side of me on the bed. They both look quite concerned (as well as flustered, but not for the same reasons) and they smell like sex. I couldn't care less right now, though, and throw myself into Zayn's warm and outstretched arms.

Liam hugs both of us, and my tears start flowing just as rapidly as before now that I'm back home at the flat and surrounded by my two best friends. 

Liam's the first to pull back from the hug, and Zayn lets me cuddle up with him as he rubs my back and makes me feel a bit better with the practically magical Zayn powers he has. 

"What happened, Lou?" Liam asks me, and I take a shaky breath.

"Um, me and Haz got in a fight, and 's my f- fault," I hiccup.

"Over what?" Zayn wipes the hair out of my teary eyes and across my forehead just like I like it.

"I told him I was meeting you two at a new cafe, but I met Ringo instead, and Harry found out." When they're quiet and (thankfully) don't question why I met up with my ex, I continue.

Make Me Beg ➸ Larry StylinsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz