thirty nine

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a/n: my manip game hasn't gotten much better since the last time I tried but oh well :D anyway, enjoy the Maluma, Louis, Niall, and Harry manip x

Louis' POV:

Juan Luis is practically jumping out of his pants as we walk up to the bouncers at 17Black. He and Niall seem like they must've drunk loads of energy juices or something before this, or they're just that excited to go clubbing. I mean, they're practically bouncing off the non-existent walls as we reach the front of the line.

I recognize the bouncers from the last time Harry and I came here. The two men - Will and Aaron - check our IDs and wish all of us a good time before letting the four of us enter through the main doors.

"It's good to be back," Niall grins when we walk up to the bar and take a seat.

"Have you been here recently, Ni?" Harry asks him, sitting down on a barstool next to me.

Juan Luis, who finds himself seated between me and Niall, answers before Niall has the chonce to speak up. "Yeah, but we've missed it nonetheless. We go every week, I think, right babe?"

"Sounds about right," Niall agrees. I know Juan Luis is a sucker for clubs, but I didn't realize Niall was just as enthusiastic.

A man dressed in a dark suit walks up to us from behind the bar.

"Juan Luis and Niall!" He cheers when he sees them, and I can tell they've all gotten to know each other quite well from their time spent together at the club. His accent is thick and similar to Juan Luis's Colombian one.

"Marco!" Juan Luis bursts out with excitement, "It's so good to see you again,"

Marco smiles and slings a towel over his shoulder. "It's good to see you guys too! I have loads of things to tell you and Niall,"

"¿Cómo está tu novio? ¿Sigue siendo un hijo de puta cachondo?" Juan Luis asks him and Marco gives a knowing smirk in return.

"Sí, es un gran sumiso y siempre está listo para pasar un buen rato en la cama,"

Juan Luis nods with a similar grin before Marco turns to greet the rest of us. "Hey, Niall! I see you've brought some friends," He gives me and Harry a nice wave.

"I'm Louis, and this is my boyfriend Harry," Harry grins and blushes at the title.

"It's nice to meet you both. I've become well acquainted with your two friends, they're here all the time," He grins warmly, "Can I get you all something to drink?"

Niall orders a fancy James Bond drink. "I'll have the Stinger please. 2 1/4 measures brandy, 3/4 measure white creme de menthe, just like the drink from Thunderball!" 

I can't help but think of Zayn's similar obsession with the whole James Bond franchise. He and Niall would definitely go wild at a bar together, ordering these randomly specific drinks left and right and geeking out over the movies and random Bond knowledge.

Juan Luis just orders a beer and Marco nods, turning to Harry and me to take our orders.

I lean in to Harry's ear. "Go on, babe. Now's your time to try and unsuccessfully order gay vodka like you tried last time," I whisper with a little laugh.

He just grins and pinches my side in retaliation, his cheeks turning a pretty shade of red at the memory. "I'll have a Cosmopolitan, thank you. Lou?"

"And for me, I'd love a Vodka Red Bull, thanks. I had one once when I went out with Li and Zayn and it was really good," 

I fumble around in my pant pockets before pulling out my card, "You can charge it all to my credit card, and we could just open a tab on it if that's alright?"

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