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Harry's POV:

Louis and I get inline outside of 17BLACK to have our IDs checked by the bouncers. After only two or three minutes, we get to the front where two bouncers are standing at the door. They're wearing slim, black suits and black sunglasses despite the fact that sunset was a few hours ago.

The bouncers - Will and Aaron, according to their nametags - check our ages to make sure we're old enough to drink before letting us in. Louis pushes the front doors open and were greeted with loud music. A healthy mix of men and strippers are roaming around by the bar, in and out of private rooms, and on the floor by the stage.

"Do you want to get a drink?" Louis asks.

"Was the orange juice not sufficient enough?" I joke and he sticks out his tongue at me. Louis claims that he isn't childing and immature, but I'm not sure he's telling the truth. Maybe he'll use the club to prove me wrong.

"Piss off," He mumbles, but grabs my hand anyway and drags me towards the bar. We sit down on two black barstools and the bartender - Ben - walks over to us moments later.

"What could I get you two to drink?"

"Whiskey would be great. Harry?"

"Vodka, please,"

"Straight?" Ben asks and I honestly don't know why he assumes I'm straight if I'm sitting in a gay strip club.

"No, I'm gay," He laughs, as does Louis and clearly, I have no idea what's going on right now.

"No, I meant straight vodka! I'm not asking if you're straight. I'd hope that all guys coming to a gay club are indeed gay,"

"Oh," My cheeks feel hot and I'm mildly embarrassed, "Um, then yeah, straight vodka, please." Ben nods and turns his back to us to make the drinks.

"Vodka. Straight? No, gay!" Louis giggles, mocking me. I fold my arms and pout at a lame attempt to look upset.

"I'm just kidding! That's payback for you harassing me about my orange juice," He smiles and kisses me lightly on the cheek.

Ben returns with our drinks and we thank him. I start a tab and tell Louis if he wants anything to drink later just to put it on the tab.

"What if I want to pay my share?"

"Too bad, it's on me. I asked you out on a date, and all you needed to do what say yes and show up because I've got the rest covered," 

He mumbles something about wanting to be chivalrous too, but he's grinning from ear to ear.

Our drinks are gone a few minutes later, both of us eager to get onto the main floor by the stage. After only one drink we're both a tiny bit tipsy, but nothing severe. I don't plan on drinking anything else since I'm going to drive him home, but I have a feeling Louis doesn't plan on sopping at just one.

The man in the DJ booth changes the song and Louis' eyes light up, a smug smirk crossing his face.

"C'mon Harold," He tugs on my arm and we hop off our stools and head towards the crowd of people. Louis finds a good spot near the edge of the cluster so that we're surrounded by some people but not to the point where we're overwhelmed or cramped.

"I love this song, and it's possible I'm all too familiar with it, having practiced routines to it and stuff,"

"What's the song?"

"Candy Shop,"

Somehow the fact that we're currently at a strip club and also that Louis' used to be a stripped hadn't crossed my mind before just now. The realization, however, was all too appealing and my pants got a smidgen tighter as we began to dance to the thumping music.

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