forty two

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a/n: Ziam smut so read it if you want or skip if you'd like -- also send bleach bc I looked up Ziam manips and JIBIUYGVUYHAGFOIYAUGFBOAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Liam's POV:

Yet another ding goes off on my phone and I've gotten too many over this past week from James that I've lost count.

8 new messages from James Charles

I groan and throw my phone on the sofa in frustration at his constant texts. I stopped bothering to respond asking him to leave me alone a while ago, but he clearly didn't get the hint, nor does he care.

"You okay, Li?" Zayn asks from the kitchen.

Recently, Zayn and I have patched things up pretty well but I still feel like I'm sometimes walking on thin ice around him because he can be really hard to read when he wants to be.

"Yeah, 'm fine," My tone deceives me and Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?"

I shrug. "James won't leave me alone ever since..." I decide to leave out the incident, not wanting to remind him of it, "He just keeps texting me all the time, and it's annoying,"

Zayn puts down the toast in his hands and walks over to meet me on the sofa. "What's he saying?"

"Probably the same old bullshit that he's been spamming me with for the past week. I don't even open them anymore,"

"Can I see?" Zayn asks and I nod.

He picks up my phone and frowns at all of the notifications. "Does this guy not have a life or anything?" He asks as he unlocks my phone and opens the full one-sided chat.

His facial expressions quickly change from curiosity to anger and annoyance as he reads some of the messages out loud, and I nearly cringe at half of them as he goes on reading through them. I can see Zayn's jaw tensing as he squints at the phone.

"'Hey Liam, miss your lips on mine :(', 'You should come over, no one has to know', 'I can't stop thinking about you - call me'",  Zayn's voice gets increasingly cold and angry with every message until he reaches the most recent one.

"'You should leave Zayn for me. We would make a wonderful couple and I'll treat you right. you know it's true x'. UM EXCUSE ME JAMES WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE TEXTS?" He raises his voice, yelling at the phone. If this were a cartoon I have no doubt that literal steam would be coming out of Zayn's ears right now.

"See, I told you he just won't stop sending them," I let out a deflated sigh.

Zayn looks pissed, death gripping the phone in his hand. "None of this would've happened if you two didn't kiss. He wouldn't be telling you to leave me if it weren't for that kiss," His tone is harsh and I wince.

"Zaynie, you know I wouldn't-"

"Then do you mind reminding James of that? Because he clearly doesn't know," Zayn stands up quickly and starts to walk away and I'm quick to follow him.

"Of course, I just thought not responding at all would've been a passive rejection,"

He whips around, glaring at me, and I can't help but be a little scared of his temper at this given moment. "I want him to know you're mine, and I want to make it so clear that he'll never question it again," Zayn says through clenched teeth, fiddling with something on my phone.

"How would we-"

Zayn literally knocks the breath out of me when he pushes my chest, driving me backward as he pushes me into our bedroom. He sets the phone down on our dresser before pressing me against the wall with both of his hands and pinning me there with a kiss.

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