twenty nine

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Louis' POV:

I'm halfway through the workweek, and the kitchen is busy with the lunch rush. Luckily, I'm on break in a few minutes, right after I finishing making two carbonara dishes for Table 5. 

Chef Benito has had quite the temper today (I don't think he got enough sleep - he's crankier than Zayn when he doesn't sleep enough) so Juan Luis was more than happy to leave for his lunch break about ten minutes ago.

I finish the two dishes, dressing the pasta in the sauce before dishing them both onto two big white plates and calling over a waiter to take them away.

I walk into the back room and grab my lunch and my phone from the shelf before sitting down across from Juan Luis at our normal table. He's already halfway through his lunch and texting someone, so he doesn't see me when I sit down.

"Is that Niall?" I ask, and he looks up from his phone, a silly smile on his face.

"Yeah," He nods, "Niall and I are getting together this weekend and going bowling and stuff. Are you and Harry doing anything?"

"Not sure, but I'd like to do something this weekend if I can,"

Juan Luis takes another bite of his club chicken sandwich when another little ding goes off on his phone. He looks down and grins before typing something out on his phone. He seems rather distracted with Niall (I don't blame him, they seem to be head over heels for one another) so I don't bother him further.

I unpack my lunch, just a Thermos of Yorkshire tea and some soup, and pull out my phone to find a text from Harry.

Harry: hi louis

Me: hey haz, whatcha up to?

He responds almost immediately, and I wonder how long he's been awaiting a response since the text he sent was from an hour or so ago.

Harry: thinking about you

Harry: where are you right now?

Me: at work

Harry: no, I mean like where at work

Me: oh, i'm in the break room 

Me: why?

Harry: because i miss you and started thinking about you and...

Me: and...what

Harry: *picture attached*


Harry: :)

Harry: i wish you were here lou

Me: i wish i was with you too but shit harry, you can't just send that while i'm in public

Harry: then go somewhere where people aren't nearby 

Me: what?

Me: okay, hold on

I excuse myself from our table and Juan Luis gives me a little nod without questioning it. I quickly walk into the men's restroom. Thankfully it's a one-person bathroom, so I don't have to worry about anyone else in here.

I open up Hary's texts again and the picture of his hard member has caused my pants to begin to feel increasingly tight.

Me: ok love no one's around. what'd you want to talk about?

Harry: i want to win this bet

Me: competitive much? 

Harry: ;)

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