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Harry's POV:

Louis is currently seated on the sofa in my living room, wrapped ina load of fuzzy blankets. I offered to give him his sweater back since we're in my house and I have things to keep warm. But he insisted that I should keep it on because he said I looked cute in it, to which I profusely blushed and bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling too much.

No complaints here. It's a warn jumper and it smells just like him; it's an intoxicating smell that'll live in daydreams with me to the ends of the earth, mark my words. 

I walk from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and sodas and plop down on the other side of the sofa. Watching a movie in my bedroom seemed like it might be taken the wrong way on his part, and the last thing I wanted to do was make him uncomfortable. 

Our time for watching movies under the covers in my room will come soon - hopefully.

I press play on the movie and I can hear Louis munching away on the popcorn. I not-so discreetly look over at him and find myself realizing just how cute he looks - he's like a little fish in a sea of blankets.

He notices my staring - is he blushing? - and smiles. 

"Want some blankets?"

"Oh, no, it's okay. Plus, they don't really reach all the way across the sofa," He frowns, looking down at the blankets.

"Well them c'mere so I can share them," He says stubbornly, patting the sofa cushion beside him.

I give a shy smile and slide over one cushion, still leaving a respectful amount of space between us so I don't seem invasive. He smiles back and drapes them over me - us - and I'm quickly engulfed in the warmth of the blankets. The realization that these blankets will also smell like Louis after he leaves makes me unexplainable giddy.

The movie consumes our attention for the next two hours, and it takes a lot of willpower not to belt out the Grease songs that I know by heart. Instead, I just bop my foot to the beats and drum my fingers on my knees.

I can't lie, there was a big part of me that wanted to snuggle up with Louis under the warm and heavy blankets that covered the two of us, but for all I know, he might never talk to me again if I did.

Once the movie ends, our popcorn is all gone, and our soda cans are empty. It's only a little after 1 PM and I'm not sure what to do now. It's very possible I was so excited for Louis to come over that I barely thought about what our plans would be once he did.

I play some music on my speakers and we find ourselves getting lost in conversation for the next few hours. I tell him more about myself, my job, and my family. He elaborates on his hobbies and passions (I've made a mental note to take him to a Doncaster Rovers footie match sometime), his job at the restaurant, and his friends.

"How did you come out?" Louis asks, taking a sip of water.

I remember the day like it was yesterday. "I didn't really tell my parents for a long time, actually. They started to suspect it after noticeable boosts in my boldness and confidence. That confidence mainly stemmed from my choice in fashion; I began to wear more feminine things. That's why I pursued a career in modeling because it allows me to express myself through fashion."

I feel like I'm talking way too much and quickly wrap up my story. "My mum asked me about it one day and I just kind of confirmed I was gay. She was very accepting and encourages me to tell the rest of my family, so I did. 's a pretty boring way to go about it, really. Simple, but effective."

Louis looks at me as I finally stop talking, his face is hidden with the multitude of blankets. All I can see are his eyes, but they look almost sad and I frown slightly.

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