twenty four

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Louis' POV:

"Look who decided to show up!" Jen exclaims when I walk through the front door.

When she sees Harry right behind me with our hands intertwined, her jaw drops. I haven't been to the cafe for a few days now, and I forgot to update her on whatever Harry and I are.

'Surprise' I mouth in her direction and her shocked expression is quickly replaced with a smug smirk. She shoots me a we're-going-to-talk-about-this-later look and I nod.

Her side-eye with me is broken u when Niall walks up to us. Juan Luis is close behind and beams at me as Niall and Harry quickly get lost in excited conversation. I can hear Niall mention that Harry's wearing a skirt and I smile to myself, proud of the outfit I pulled together. 

I give Harry's hand a little squeeze before letting go and walking into the kitchen with Juan Luis. He passes me a red Solo cup and takes a sip of the drink that's already in his hand.

" 's this?" I ask skeptically. The red liquid inside has a sweet and fruity smell and I suddenly feel thirsty.

"Fruit punch," He shrugs, "Niall and I brought a pack of Guinness and some fruit punch and I know you'd prefer this over beer,"

"And what makes you think that?" 

He scoffs as if I just asked the stupidest question he'd ever heard. "You'll get too horny if you get drunk and if Harry's someone who cares about you, he won't do anything with you. I saw you two outside by your car, so I definitely know you want some. But you won't get any if you drink a lot," He rolls his eyes. 

Dammit, he's got a good point.

"Anyway, how was the date?

"It went really well, thanks!" I grin in fondness at the thought of it.

"We hung out at his house and watched a movie and that's when he originally asked me out. He beat me to it, really, because I was planning on asking him,"

"Then what?"

"A few days later we met up for Greek food and then went clubbing at 17BLACK. It's a nice place and I think you'd have a good time if you went with Niall. Oh, and after that I was drunk so he took me back to his place,"

"Did you do it?" He asks bluntly. 

"No. Apparently, I tried to make a move and he ended up telling drunk me that he wouldn't have sex with me if I was intoxicated,"

"Oh good! He seems really great, Louis, you should try to keep him around. I'm glad he's got enough sense to keep it in his pants and to not try and fuck you when your drunk like-"

"Juan," My voice is stern as I cut him off, not wanting to dwell on past relationships.

I quickly change the subject. "How about you and Niall? You guys went on a date too, you've got to tell me everything,"

Juan Luis blushes profusely, much like he did when he first laid eyes on Niall. From the looks of it, maybe he just laid Niall this time.

"It went perfectly! He's so nice and gentle and funny. We get along so well, Lou. I really like him. Oh, and guess what?"


He leans into my ear, cupping his hands over his mouth so no one else can hear what he's saying (not that they would've heard over Liam's music in the first place). 

"Well after we ate dinner and stuff, we kinda stayed at his place after and one thing led to another..."

"OH MY GOD JUAN!" I accidentally shout in excitement and he quickly slaps a hand over my mouth to shut me up. A few heads turn in our direction, so I lower my voice and wave them off. 

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