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Harry's POV:

Louis pushes me down by the shoulders onto my bed without breaking contact. His kisses are filled with lust and greed as he further presses my back into the mattress by crawling on top of me. It's almost as if he's got this fire inside of him, and he wants nothing more than to ignite the flame in me. If so, he's succeeding.

I kiss him back, our tongues exploring each other's mouths. The taste of alcohol isn't as strong as before, but he's equally drunk. His hands are all up in my hair while my arms keep shifting between his upper back, head, and neck. We're both a little bit sweaty from dancing and making out but I couldn't care less.

When he makes a move to strip me of my shirt, I let him. His cool fingers run down my stomach and I feel all tingly inside. I get rid of his shirt too and throw it onto a nearby chair.

Louis then goes to tug off my skinnies but I break our kiss and roll onto my side. He grumbles and tries again but I sit up and look at him.

"Louis, I can't,"

He pouts. "Why not?"

"You had like three drinks today,"

"And now I'm thirsty for you," He slurs and I shake my head, despite the painful erection in my pants.

"I'm not goin to have sex with you if you're drunk. I wouldn't want to do anything that you'd regret in the morning,"

"I won't regret it," He protests.

"There's a good chance you won't remember anything from tonight when you wake up, Lou. It wouldn't be right of me to take advantage of you when you're drunk, even if you ask for it. Alcohol is clouding your thoughts and I don't want to be the one who causes you to make bad decisions,"

He looks a little upset, but I shrug it off. It's not worth ruining anything we have over drunk sex. If there comes a time when he's sober and both of us are ready, our time will come.

"Okay," He signs and lays down next to me on the bed, closing his eyes, "Can I still sleep here?"

"Of course. Are you okay sleeping in your trousers or would you like a change of clothes?"

" 'm alright in this," He closes his eyes and makes himself comfortable underneath my sheets. He's fast asleep in minutes, his chest steadily rising and falling in rhythm with his breathing.

I lay there for a solid 10 minutes before getting up from the bed and heading into the bathroom. I grab a pair of boxers and sweats on the way but skip the shirt. I take a quick shower, and take care of my little situation form the club before getting dressed.

I brush my teeth and dry my hair before getting back into bed next to Louis. He stirs slightly, but remains asleep as I pull the covers over both of us.

"Goodnight, Louis," I whisper and give him a light kiss on the cheek before drifting off to sleep.

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Louis' POV:

I'm woken up by a shift in the bed next to me. I yawn and rub my eyes as I sit up. When I finally look around, I immediately realize I'm not in my bedroom.

My head whips around, and my eyes find Harry sitting on the edge of the bed, a groggy smile on his face. Everything comes flooding back to me - the date, the club, and the one-too-many drinks.

I quickly glance under the covers and to my relief, my pants are still on. I don't trust my drunk self. Drunk me is much bolder and hornier than my sober self.

"Nothing happened, don't worry," Harry reassures me. His morning voice is low and gravely.

"Did I come onto you?"

Make Me Beg ➸ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now