twenty two

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Harry's POV:

Louis makes an effort to hide his shopping bags behind his back as we head back to my car. It's a little after 12 now and both of us are hungry for lunch so we're just dropping off our bags before we go to find a restaurant. 

"Can you at least show me what you bought?" I ask him as we reach my car, "I should be able to at least see it if you're going to have me wear it under a skirt,"

"Nope!" He giggles and pulls the bags away from me when I make an effort to peek inside.

We load our various bags into the trunk of my car. Little does Louis know I got him something too. Not for the party though, it's for future use if I get the chance. 

I'd literally die to see him in it.

I've put my purchase inside the bags from the first clothing store, so Louis has no idea about it at all. Hopefully, that'll play to my advantage if I choose to surprise him sometime soon.

"Well, if I can't see it how do you expect me to wear it?" I question.

Louis furrows his brows, for he clearly didn't think through this. After a bit of thinking his face lights up. "I'll stop by your house after I get off work on Friday, and I'll bring your clothes with me. I can help you get ready and then we can drive back to my flat together for the party,"

"Okay that's fair," I shrug and smile, "I'll hold onto your clothes until you come over so we can get ready together," 

He gives me a little kiss as I close the trunk. "That's a wonderful idea," He grins.

I take his hand and we begin to walk back down the sidewalk in search of a place to eat. "Louis?"


"If you drive me to the party, how will I get home?" I'm quite aware that I could get a cab or take the train, but I'd prefer not to if I can help it.

"I'll take you home," He hums, swinging out interlaced hands between us as we walk.

"And then what?" I can feel a smirk coming on but I work hard to keep a straight face. Louis doesn't do as good of a job, and his cheeks flush pink as a silly little grin crosses his face.

"You tell me, Harold. It's your house,"

"Sleep over. We can drive home and you can spend the night. Depending on how late the party goes we could watch The Princess Bride or something,"

I'm reminding myself to give Liam a big thanks because he really spilled the beans on what kind of things Louis likes (including some of his favorite movies) and I plan to use that all to my advantage.

His smile broadens at my suggestion and he gives my hand a squeeze. 

"As you wish."

✰ ✰ ✰ 

Juan Luis' POV:

I wake up and rub my eyes, trying to clear them of their morning fuzziness. Niall's bedroom is really bright, with natural light flooding through the windows.

I turn onto my side to find myself facing a young and angelic face with messy blonde hair and fair skin. It looks like Niall's still sleeping as his eyelids flutter slightly. I give him a little kiss on the forehead and a small smile creeps onto his face, but he keeps his eyes closed.

I move slowly on the bed so I don't stir Niall and turn over to check the time on my phone which is resting on a nightstand.

7:35 am

My stomach grumbles as if reminding me that I haven't had breakfast yet. I crawl out from under the covers and quietly walk towards the doorway. My butt is super sore and my walk isn't quite straight right now, but neither am I so I guess it all works out.

Make Me Beg ➸ Larry StylinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora