"No way!" he exclaimed.. Namjoon can't believe it was because of this dumb reason. "Who is that dumb? Did you ask them?" Namjoon asked in between his coughs.. still trying to get his breathing in control.

"I didn't told anyone.. there is no need.. they all are already feeling guilty.. you know its hardly a week since we got everyone together, i don't want to complicate things between us.. and eat carefully"

"But your house" namjoon almost whispered..'and my books' he added in his head.. he can't take it.. if he ever found out who was it.. Jungkook fed him another spoon to stop him from speaking further.

"leave it.. we still need them for our plan"

"who knows how many things they will burn down till then" namjoon snorted but he kept gulping all the soup jungkook was feeding him.. he was hungry.

"i have money" Jungkook reassured

"Sugar Daddy" Namjoon teased him, stucking his tongue out while winking at him.
When Jungkook heard his remark he sucked in breath so quickly that now he was coughing..
He didn't expect that Jungkook will have such a huge reaction..

"Don't say that again" he coughed hard.

"What? Daddy?" Namjoon asked in his low deep but innocent tone.. he is having fun seeing jungkook getting all flustered. 'Ah! I was bored to death.. '

Jungkook turned pink, its hard to say if it was because of embarrassment or just too much coughing.

"You done?" Jungkook asked in stern voice.

"What Sugar Daddy is getting angry?" Namjoon pouted.. he knew he shouldn't push it.. but Namjoon was having fun.

"Call me Daddy once more and i will teach you what it really means to be my sugar baby" Jungkook dared Namjoon.

Namjoon bit his lip in contemplation..that whether or not should he risk calling him again.. but he decided not to.

"You are no fun.. i was just teasing you. I don't swing that way" huffed namjoon as he kept eating his soup by himself.

"But i do.. you are naked from past 2 days.. You can't wink and call me daddy in that tone and expect me to keep myself calm.. and don't even start me on that piercing..." Jungkook said in almost frustrated tone.

Namjoon laughed out loud at the younger's confession.

"I didn't knew it was such a torture to see my chest"

"Its a treat to eye.. i have never seen a man's chest as attractive as yours.. such perfection. Torture is that i can't touch it.. " Jungkook replied truthfully.

"Well thank you for praising my chest.. " he said in a low voice.. Namjoon couldn't help but blush at jungkook's honest confeession.

"When did you get this piercing?" Jungkook asked in a whispered tone... his hand hovering over namjoon's left nipple which was pierced.

"A year ago.. Jackson took me to the carnival.. we had a bet that whoever drink more will be the winner... loser had to get his nipple pierced. He lost.. but somehow i end up getting pierced" Namjoon chuckled.. reliving some handful of his good memories.
He wished he never knew that Dr. John was alive.. he miss that sense of freedom.. now he always feels like he is trapped in an invisible cage where no happiness and carefree attitude can ever enter..

He miss his friend.. Jackson was right.. he should have enjoyed everything about life instead of keep studying everyday.. now he can't even go to the park alone as he always feels someone is watching him.

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