→FORTHYEIGHT (real life)

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Andrew gently grabbed Eileen's arm, as they turned around a corner, away from everybody. "Hey, ehm, can we talk?" he asked softly. Eileen had been preparing herself for this the last few days. They hadn't really had a chance to be alone since the kiss. "I... yeah, of course" she smiled weakly, looking up at him. "So, we broke one of the rules. What-what do we do now?" Andrew met her gaze, his eyes giving away how hopelessly he was in love with her. Oblivious as she was, Eileen did not notice that. "We don't have to do anything. We can keep pretending. This, it doesn't have to change anything" she threw her arms out, taking a step back before putting them around herself. Eileen knew that the kiss had changed everything. It had made her realize exactly what she felt about Andrew, and it wasn't anything bad. In fact, it was nothing but love in its purest form. Running his hands through his hair, Andrew looked at her with an expression she couldn't make out what meant. "Can't you see, it's not fake anymore!" he finally said, a bit too loudly. Confusion spread across Eileen's face, as she searched for the answer to all her questions in his face. But she didn't find any. Just the complete hopelessness of a man, who thought he was about to admit his feelings to someone who didn't feel the same. "I don't understand" she whispered. Slowly Andrew met her gaze, and the sincerity in his eyes, made her weak in the knees. After a few seconds of painful silence, Andrew finally spoke up. "I'm actually in love with you" his voice wasn't anymore than a whisper. The words crashed through every barricade in Eileen's mind, and everything suddenly made sense. Without even thinking, she took two quick steps forward, and smashed her lips at his. Surprised, but happy, Andrew welcomed her by letting his arms fall around her waist, pulling her closer. The kiss was not gentle this time, but full of passion and months of longing for this very moment.

After what felt like an eternity, and yet not more than a few seconds, they pulled away from each other, breathless. It was as if none of them dared to move a muscle, afraid to break the magic that just had occurred. Carefully, Eileen grabbed Andrew's hand, intertwining her fingers with hers. Her gaze wandered from their hands, to his lips, to his eyes. Her own were glowing with love, as it was her time to say something. "I'm actually in love with you too".

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