→EIGHT (group chat + real life)

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Bandgeeks + Eileen


Linktoarticle  - Have you guys seen this?


Wow, that was fast


You know what this means, right?


The game is on

Read: 13.09

The silence on the plan was heavy. Eileen plugged her seatbelt in, being seated next to Anna. James and Andrew sat across them. Since the article things had been weird between her and Andrew. For a second she had thought, that they might actually become friends, but this served as a brutal reminder that, that was not going to happen. They didn't like each other. They just had to make the whole world believe they did. For the first time, Eileen started to doubt the plan. Fuck, this was so stupid. What had they been thinking? There was absolutely no way they were going to be able to pull this off. 

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