→THIRTYSIX (article)

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HOZIER'S GIRLFRIEND: "If more people saw the world the way Andrew does, it would be a far better place"

HOZIER'S GIRLFRIEND: "If more people saw the world the way Andrew does, it would be a far better place"

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Picture of Eileen Holmes, taken from Hozier's twitter

Eileen Holmes, 25, is a woman to be jealous of. She is the one dating famous singer/songwriter Andrew Hozier-Byrne, better known as Hozier. Holmes have been touring with her boyfriend for almost five months, and the pair seems stronger than ever. Thousands of people around the world, have been longing to get to know more about the, relatively unknown Eileen Holmes. We was so lucky as to caught her tonight in Tokyo, right after Hozier's concert, and ask her a few questions. 

Eileen Holmes, pictured talking to our reporter in Tokyo last night

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Eileen Holmes, pictured talking to our reporter in Tokyo last night

Hello. It's so nice to meet you!

"Hi! Thank you, the pleasure is all mine! I can't believe you guys want to talk to me, haha. It's usually Andrew who does the public talking."

Well, I think it's safe to say you have gotten some fans too! So, would you tell us a little about yourself?

"Wow, that's something I haven't quite wrapped my head around yet. But, yes, sure! I am born and raised in Ireland too. I'm training to become a veterinarian, and my job is the best."

That's impressive! How did you meet Hozier?

"I actually moved in with his band member, my best friend, Anna a few years ago. I didn't know anybody in town, so she would drag me along to band meetings. And eventually they all adopted me as a part of their little family. And that's how I met Hozier. Although, to us he is just Andy."

Holmes chuckled, clearly happy by the mention of her boyfriend. 

 I think many people are curios to know, what's the best part about dating him?

"Oh, wow, there is no bad parts! I mean, it's such a pleasure! Andrew is an extraordinary human being, and I adore him. I feel very lucky to have him in my life! But the music is definitely a plus" she added with a smile, that clearly stating how in love she is. 

What do you think makes people love Hozier so much?

"I think it's because he is different. He is such a down to earth person, and I think his music is like a breath of fresh air in the music industry. He's a good person, and I think people can feel that. And I mean, he is adorable, who wouldn't love him? But really, yeah, I think it's because of the way he sees things. I think that if more people saw the world the way Andrew does, it would be a far better place"

I think you're absolutely right! Thank you so much, have a pleasant evening.

"Thank you! You too"

There you have it folks. A little inside in the life of Eileen Holmes. We here sent our best to both her and Hozier, and wish them the best of luck in their future!

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