→TWENTYTHREE (real life)

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Before they even realised it, almost three months had passed. Half the tour was over, and they had already been halfway around the world. By some miracle, their plan worked out perfectly. No one had suspected that Eileen and Andrew weren't actually dating, and there were a lot less bad episodes. So everything was, surprisingly, great.
And as for Eileen and Andrew, the two souls had gotten very close. Eileen meant peace for Andrew now. Just one glance at her, would calm him down instantly. And her smile, oh god, just seeing her smile would make his heart skip a beat or three.
Eileen felt safe whenever Andrew was around. The sound of his voice could soothe her, even when she was on her worst. Her eyes would light up whenever he walked in the room. It was safe to say that now they finally knew everything about each other. Andrew knew when Eileen needed to get away from the spotlight, simply by the look in her eyes. And Eileen knew the exact moment Andrew got uncomfortable by the almost invisible changes in his posture.
But oh yeah, they hated each other.


It was dark and quiet in the tour bus. Eileen had been tossing and turning for what felt like hours, being unable to sleep. The soft rumble of the wheels against the road stirred her awake, and quietly she stood up, stretching her body. She tried to gain a little control over her curls, as she tippy toed away from the beds. Carefully, she opened the door, leading to the sitting area, and closed it behind her. With a relieved sight of having managed not to wake up anybody, she started to look for anything with coffee in it.
"You couldn't sleep either?" a voice whispered behind her. With a loud gasp she turned around, quickly covering her mother with her hand. "Andrew? I'm so sorry, I thought everyone else was sleeping". Eileen whispered back. "I couldn't" he sent her a vague smile. "I just made tea, do you want some?" his eyes looked tired, but now was definitely not the time to comment on that. "Actually, I would love some," she replied, pulling a teacup out from the counter. "What are you doing?" Eileen poured herself a cup of tea, and looked questioning up at Andrew. "Well, I was trying to find a movie to watch... Maybe, ehm, you would like to join me?" he met her gaze, looking a bit nervous about her reply. But that couldn't be. He had no reason to be nervous around her, it must simply just have been her eyes deceiving her. A small smirk found its way to Eileen's lips, as she sat down next to him. "I would. But only if we are watching Notting Hill." A small chuckle left Andrews lips, as he opened his laptop. "Really? Notting Hill?"
"Yes. Because you're a disgrace, and have never seen that movie. Plus, I'm really craving some young Hugh Grant". Amdrew mumbled something along the lines of 'aren't we all' under his breath, but he didn't complain. In all secret, he had been wanting to see this movie ever since Eileen talked so fondly off it. "Okay, Notting Hill it is," he said after finding the movie on his computer. Eileen took a sip off her tea, as Andrew pressed play, and they both, unintentionally moved a little closer to each other. They had gotten so used to casually touching, that neither of them realised that they were sitting not even inches apart, only halfway through the movie.

When they reached the end of the movie, Eileen had somehow ended up lying down, resting her head in Andrews lap. His fingers were gently playing with her many curls, and boths of them had their eyes glued to the screen. Andrew had actually really liked the movie. Normally he wasn't very fond of cheesy romantic comedies, but this was not one of those. There was something about it that felt very raw and real. Eileen on the other hand, was trying to keep her tired eyes open, to catch that ending sequence, which she loved so dearly.

And as the ending scene rolled over the screen, just before drifting off to sleep, Eileen sleepishly whispered, "that's the kind of love I want". Looking down at her, Andrew to his own great horror realised that it was exactly the kind of love they had. Except, it was not real. 



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