→TWENTYFOUR (real life)

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Andrew's point of view

I think everyone has that something that calms them down. No matter what, if that thing is there, they can calm down. Without even realising it, Eileen had become that something for Andrew. It didn't matter where he had to perform, or in front of how big a crowd, as long as she was there, knitting in the wings, so his eyes could casually gaze at her from time to time, he was calm. But tonight, she wasn't there. The only thing waiting in the wings, was an empty chair. Andrew could feel the nerves, and strangely enough, the concern for her deep down in his stomach.
After the first number, he was feeling hopeless. Where was she? Had he really gotten so depended on her to be there? In vain he turned his back to the audience for a few seconds, only to whisper to James at his side, "where is Eileen?", casually like he hadn't noticed until now. Instead of answering, James just pointed one finger at the audience, and a little smile turned up on Andrews' lips, as he turned back to face the crowd, now knowing that she was out there somewhere.

Eileen's point of view

Eileen was gently making her way through the crowd, in order to get as close to the stage as possible. She and the security guards had singled out a place for her in the middle, almost up front. A bunch of girls in their early twenties were standing in a group, and they all looked so excited it made Eileen smile brightly. "Hello, uhm, sorry? Can i join you? It's just, I'm here alone, and-" she didn't even get to finish her sentence before one of the girls had pulled her into their little group, and introduced themselves. "I'm so excited, I might die!!" the tallest of the girls, Juliet exclaimed, jumping up and down. Eileen couldn't help but grin. Somehow none of them had recognized her, and she really enjoyed being in their company. It felt safe, and their excitement got to her. When the band walked on stage, she squealed with her new friends, holding hands with whoever was closest to her. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this alive. Eileen was singing and dancing along with her five new friends. After being at every concert for the last four months, she knew all the songs by heart. And even though she hated to admit it, she loved them. And the band was insanely good live. She didn't know why she hadn't thought of doing this before.
As Andrew announced the last song of the evening, his eyes finally found Eileens in the crowd, and a huge smirk turned up on her lips, as Jackie and Wilson started playing. Not looking away from each other, Andrew sang the song to Eileen, who danced along and sang it right back to him. Midway through her new blonde friend whispered to her, "I think he is staring at you". Eileen only broke Andrew's gaze this once, to giggle with the five girls, and ask "really?" innocently. As the song came to an end, the entire crowd started clapping and cheering. Eileen most enthusiastic of them all. As the band left, and the people slowly started to leave, Eileen just stood there with a huge smile on her lips. It had felt like a dream. The best one she had, had in a long time.
After a few minutes of silence, where the girls just had been staring at each other, Eileen finally regained her ability to speak. "Do you guys wanna meet him?". "Are you kidding? YES!" they all shouted at the same time, sending them all into another giggle. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can get us backstage" Eileen smirked. "Follow me".

After showing her backstage pass to the security-team, Eileen led the girls to the backstage area. They were all walking in total shock behind her, trying to take it all in. Eileen was trying to control her excitement, but when Andrew turned around the corner, she simply couldn't. She heard the five girls collectively gasp behind her, but she didn't care. In a few quick steps, she reached him, throwing her arms around him with a huge smile on her face. With a grin, Andrew embraced her in a tight hug. "I gather you liked it?" he mumbled into her hair, before they pulled away from each other. "Are you kidding me? It was amazing! You were amazing!!" Running her hand through a lock of curls, Eileen was trying her best not to jump up and down. The adrenaline of the experience was rushing through her body, and Andrew was laughing at the sight. For a moment, as they stood there excited on each other's behalf, the happiness almost seemed real, and for a second Eileen managed to forget about the girls. "Oh, sorry, Andrew, there is someone I'd like you to meet." she turned around and gestured to the girls. "This is Juliet, Rhiannon, Daisy, Sylvia and Moira." she pointed at them one after one, and Andrew politely said hello to all of them. "And, I guess I forgot to mention this, but this is my boyfriend" she added with a small smirk, pointing back at Andrew. "WAIT what?" Juliet exclaimed around the same time, as Daisy said; "You're Eileen Holmes?".
"Indeed she is" Andrew replied, casually laying an arm around Eileen's waist. This caused all the girls to stare at them with open mouths for a solid half minute, while Eileen was laughing her ass off. "Sorry, I didn't tell you!" she apologized, when they finally got over the shok. "Sorry my ass.." Rhiannon scoffed, making them all laugh again.

After talking, taking pictures and Andrew signing all sorts of things, Eileen and Andrew had to keep moving to get to the rest of the fans. Even though it was only the two of them walking outside, their fingers intertwined themselves, as if it was what they were made to do. It was incredible how their bodies seemed to be made for each other. When they got outside, Eileen gladly stepped away from the spotlight, and waited in the dark, until a fan had been crying in Andrews arm for almost two minutes. When Eileen reached him, she gently took his hand and said; "Sorry baby, but we have to go if we want to make it to Toronto by tomorrow."


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