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I'm eating a Big Mac, nursing my baby, and I feel like my lower half got run over by a semi. Life is pretty good.

The room we're in is comfortable, but I'm ready for my own bed. And I'm ready to fucking sleep. But I have a feeling that this little one won't let me do much of that.

Case throws my McDonald's bag away and then takes the baby. I think his eyes will linger on my open shirt, but he only has eyes for one thing. Seeing him so full of love makes me melt. Actually, it makes me weep.

He looks at me concerned and I wave my hand. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I say, "hormones." I'm a mess.

Holding our baby in one hand, he sits on the edge of the bed. His other arm comes to my chin. He wraps my lips with a soft kiss and I really melt. "Look what we made," he whispers, turning my attention to the most precious thing I have ever laid eyes on.

"Have you two agreed on a name yet?" A woman comes in with a little clipboard.

I bite my lip. Is it bad that we still haven't? Shaking my head, I let her know that we're undecided.

My eyes are heavy with sleep. Labor and delivery is fucking rough. But so worth it. I think I'm wearing a drunken smile right now, because I feel hazy and full of warmth. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is seeing him put a kiss on our baby's forehead.

"Ready mama?" he asks, slinging a diaper bag over his shoulder. He leans over and brushes the hair from my face.

I sit up and rub my eyes. Glancing at the clock on the wall I notice that I got a full twenty minutes of sleep. I yawn. Sitting up is hard. Every muscle is either jello or stiff as hell... I can't decide which.

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