.ch 31 esa.

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When we get home, Adra is mopping the hallway. I take the kids into the kitchen, we're late for lunch time, but that's okay. Today was worth it.

They eat a very healthy diet. Like too healthy if you ask me. Fruit for breakfast. Fruit and veggies for lunch with some kind of fish or chicken. Dinner is practically the same as lunch. Routine is everything to this man. Where I come from, kids eat PB&Js and drink fruit juice. I think my weekend pancakes are the most sugar they've ever had.

I wonder what will happen when Halloween comes and we go trick-or-treating. My heart thuds. When we go. I hope he'll let me go with them. I already started getting stuff for their costumes at the store today while we got supplies for Luna's party.

My thoughts of our Halloween plans are disrupted when Adra walks in. She is petite. Nearly all skin, barely any bone. Her dark hair comes out in wild curls that she's pinned back with a bandana. I know that she's from the Caribbean, her accent told me as much. We've made small talk before, but never had a real conversation. She usually comes in and gets right to business. And my business usually has me chasing after the kids.

Today though, Nolan tells her about our surprise visit to his father's office. Adra's eyes open wide. She turns to me, "a surprise visit? Mr. Williams doesn't like surprises."

I want to turn up my nose and say that I know what he likes. But I get the meaning behind her words. She's saying he doesn't usually like them. And asking if he liked today.

Oh, he liked it alright. The thought of how much he liked it has me clenching my thighs and my face blushing. She flashes me a smile that could be considered knowing. "Mr. Williams is a hard man to please," it's like she's warning me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and in a motherly way she says, "don't let him push you away. He's been hurt before and he won't see it happen again."

I search Adra's eyes. I want to know more. He won't let me in and someone has to tell me. Damien was nice enough, but I know he won't give me the answers I need. "What happened?" I ask. She sighs and wipes down the counter.

Through her, I learn all about Bethany and the disaster their relationship was. The late night fights. The theft. Property Damage. How Adra came in one day to work and Luna was wailing in her bed and Nolan was in the backyard. Alone. My heart stops thinking of what could have happened to them. As if it's an instinct, I put my hand on Nolan's head. My fingers sliding through his ringlets, making sure he's safe, by me, where he needs to be.

"She just left them alone?" I ask, unable to understand what would possess someone to do that to her own children.

Adra nods. "That's when he installed those," she glances to the security camera in the corner of the kitchen. "When I got here, I had no idea how long they had been by themselves. Now, he monitors everyone in the house. Making sure that never happens again."

I look at Nolan and Luna who are blissfully unaware, eating their lunch as the afternoon sun spills in through the windows. "As long as I'm here, that will never happen." I give her a soft smile.

"Sweetheart, I've seen you with these kids. You don't have to convince me of anything." Her face and the sincerity of her voice is so heartwarming.

"Can you have a cup of coffee? Or do you have too much work to do?" I glance at the broom she's stacked in the corner.

"I make my own schedule, despite what Mr. Williams thinks. I can have a cup of coffee whenever I want." She flashes a grin and we sit and talk.

Adra gives me more information, the story of her life really. She came here from Trinidad when she was twenty. Started cleaning houses for a living, and then turned that into an empire. Case, or Mr. Williams, is the only client that she still does personally. She works three days a week for him, and then manages her business from the comfort of her own home.

After we finish our coffee, I take the kids upstairs. Glancing out the living room window, for the first time I notice her car. A silver Mercedes. Adra is a fucking boss. Good for her.

Esa + Case | Romantic Erotica | Nanny Erotica | Pregnancy RomanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ