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After they've left the office, I confess my sins to Damien. Some of my sins. He doesn't need to know everything. Like that he's sitting in the spot where I just made her come.

"Fuck, Dame," I run my fingers through my hair, pulling it back. "I don't know what I'm doing. I'm ten years older than her. I have two kids. A fucking empire to run. I should just let her go."

My friend stares at me blankly. He's normally the cautious one, but today I'm pacing the office. He crosses a leg, resting his ankle on his knee. "First of all, you aren't the only one running an empire here," he chides. "She isn't fucking Bethany, man. Get her out of your head. As long as she's in there, you're never going to be happy."

"This has nothing to do with Bethany," I can hardly even say her name aloud. Besides, it has everything to do with Bethany.

"I get it," he stares me down. "She nearly ruined you last time. But you're letting her ruin things now too, things she's never even been involved with. Just let her go man."

I sit back in my office chair. He's right. Fucking Damien. He's right and it pisses me off. "Why are you going to bat for her? You've known her for what? Ten minutes?"

He shrugs. "I went down to the lobby and collected them in the elevator."

I glare, waiting for him to continue. Damien stands up and mock stretches. I know he's about to say something that will piss me off because he has that fucking grin on his face. The same one he had when we were kids stealing candy at the gas station. "Look man- she's hot," he ticks out his fingers as he lists off her attributes. "She's great with Nol and Luna. She surprised you at work, when has a girl ever done that? And it looks like she takes good care of you too." He flashes that fucking grin and tries to dash out the door.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I ask, stopping him from leaving.

"You may have kept the door locked, but we all still have ears."

Anyone else might be embarrassed. He leaves on his words and I don't push him any farther. I feel blood rushing south, my dick ready for release.

I'm glad they heard. It's that animalistic side of me. The need to claim my territory. To let everyone know what is mine. And Esa fucking Reynolds is mine.

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