.ch 32 case.

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I'm watching the monitor. The kids aren't in their beds, they're in mine. All three of them are. They're curled up, napping together. First stopping by the office, now this? She's changing too many things too fast.

I tell Damien I've got business to attend to, outside the office, and head home. The drive is long. Too long. It gives me too much time to think.

When I pull into the driveway, Adra is leaving. She loads a bucket of supplies in the back of her car and waits for me with her door ajar. She's been with me a long time, but we rarely talk. She knows what I value- work, not words. And she's always delivered on that.

"You can trust her." It's all she says before closing the car door.

Trust? What is trust?

I'm standing in my own doorway, not sure if I'm ready to enter my room. I'm a ticking time bomb. Will I enter and bite her head off? Will I wake up my kids with my anger? Will I snap at her for breaking their routine?

Everything in me wants to lash out at her. But why? What has she done?

I walk in the dark room, sunlight tries to sneak it, but the curtains don't allow it. She's in the middle of the bed, arms spread wide, with a child tucked beneath each of them. Luna on her left, Nolan on her right.

I pick up Nolan, his little head fits perfectly in the crook of my elbow. His legs dangle over my other arm. He gets returned to bed first. Then Luna, my angel of a daughter, is put in her crib. I return to bed, knowing I won't remove the one person who remains in it.

Slowly undressing, I don't want to wake her. Her soft skin all but glows in the lack of light. She's peaceful, serene. It's like we're in a dream world.

I pull back the covers, and just as she held my children in her arms, I hold her. My bicep creating a pillow for her head, she nuzzles deeper into me. Raven hair tangles around us. And for a moment, I release the irrational anger I feel towards her.

You can trust her.

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