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I told I would hurt her. And she's hurting now. For me.

"It feels like I'm ripping in half." She doesn't scream. Her voice is something scarier- it's calm.

She's in more pain than she's ever known, and it's because she's bringing my child into the world. Her arms are slung around my neck and she's dropped down into some squatting position we learned in one of the classes she made me go to. I'm in new territory here. I have two kids, but this is my first birth experience. Before, I waited in a room while the C-section took place.

Now, we're in some holistic center and there's heavy metal blaring. Is this a torture chamber? Because that's what it sounds like.

Loud ass music. Animalistic groans. And cries.

I realize now that I'm actually in heaven. It's the cries of my child. The world is a blur. I can't see anything but Esa. Her dark hair. Her gray eyes. Her love on perfect display as she reaches down and pulls our baby from her.

She's a fucking badass.

I'm holding her up now, but I don't even realize that my hands have moved because this moment is surreal. She's in my arms and the baby is in hers. The nurse says something about healthy, but I don't remember anything else because my eyes are locked in on the tiny bit of perfection my woman is holding.

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