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It's time to make amends. I've been texting with my mom. I still haven't spoken to my dad since Christmas Eve six weeks ago. I wouldn't say we're on good terms, but we're somewhere in between.

They know Case proposed. My mom actually had the decency to pretend she's happy for me. Maybe she's actually happy, I don't know. They don't know about the baby yet, it's something I want to say in person.

We're going to their house today. I'm hoping being in his own territory will make my dad more at ease. I also need Case to know where I come from. I didn't have money, nice cars, nice anything. I worked for everything I have. And my dad and mom sure as hell worked their asses off for everything they gave me. He needs to see that.

The kids are coming with us. My parents will hopefully be in their lives too, if they can accept what we are. If they can accept that my family is theirs too.

I put on an oversized black sweater and leggings. I'm too early to show, but I'm taking precautions. The only signs are the bags under my eyes from exhaustion and my tits that feel like they're about to burst from my bra. I need to get some new ones, but I'm too tired to shop.

Morning sickness, fatigue, bloating. Why did I want to do this again?

The kids are loaded up in the car and it takes practically no time before they're asleep. It will take us the better part of an hour to get out to their house. I gave Case the address last week. I know him. I know he's already looked it up. He's probably already stalked the satellite images. Still, I feel like I need to warn him.

"I just want to let you know what to expect at my parents," I say sheepishly. "They don't have all of this," I say, waving my hand around the car.

"All of what?" he asks, lacing my fingers through his. He holds my hand, resting it on the gear shift.

Now I'm the one lashing out. "All of this fancy stuff. My parents don't have money. I'm not used to this. Your nice cars, the diamonds," I flash my ring. "Your nice ass house." I don't know why I'm angry. It's not his fault.

"Our nice ass house," he corrects me. "And if you don't want it, we'll get rid of it. We'll move to a house out near your parents. I'll buy you a fucking double wide if you want me to," his tone is threatening, like he just might do it.

I scoff. "No," that's not what I mean. "I'm sorry," I say. "I just want you to be prepared when you get there."

"You don't want me to think less of you," he says. And he's right. I don't want him to think less of me, or of them.

I can only nod. Tears well in my eyes. I squeeze them shut.

For the first time, he tells me about his life before me. "I didn't grow up with any of this either. I never knew my dad and me and my mom lived in a one bedroom apartment. She worked at a bowling alley. We had nothing. So don't ever think that I would judge you or not accept you."

Again, I can only nod.

We bump along a country road. The city suburbs have given way to barren winter fields. In the distance there is a red dairy barn I recognize from my childhood. We're getting close.

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