.ch 42 case.

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When I come downstairs, I can't help the laugh that ripples through me. Standing at the bottom of the steps, a tiny rock band waits for me. Esa wanted to keep their costumes a secret, and I'm glad she did. Because this is amazing.

At first, all I see is white face paint and black wigs. Nolan is a mini Gene Simmons. He sticks out his tongue and waves his pinky and pointer finger in the air- the sign of the horns, just like she must have taught him to do. Even baby Luna has a tiny wig on that makes her look ridiculous, in the cutest way possible.

Esa holds her on her hip, wearing a Kiss T-Shirt, dark lipstick, and combat boots. She's vampy and seductive. I go in for a kiss and she pulls away. "Later. You can't smear my lipstick." Her face beams with happiness and I hope my own reflects it. She's making the teenage grunge boy inside me stir. She just gets me so well. Nolan plays his blow up guitar and we all laugh.

"What are you supposed to be?" I ask, holding her hand, letting her twirl for me.

"A stage manager." She flashes a smile.

"Of course," I smirk.

"Don't worry," I got you something too.

My eyes flick to my kids in insane wigs. She's lost it if she thinks I'm wearing something like this. Pointing to the couch, she waits for me to pick up what she laid out.

Neatly folded, there's a new T-Shirt. Metallica. "Nice," I say, holding it up in my approval.

"Is that a compliment?" she purrs, trying to spur me on.

"Your compliment comes later." I rove my eyes over her body.

"Yes, Daddy," she coos and my cock jumps.

The kids are the talk of the neighborhood. Every house we visited had gushing remarks about their costumes. Nolan, usually shy, ate up the attention. His costume must give him a confidence boost, because he's parading around as if he is The Demon himself.

With buckets full of candy I will never let them eat, we wind our way back toward the house. Esa plucks a sucker from the plastic pumpkin and I watch with longing as she tastes it. Dropping to her knees makes things worse, but she's talking to Nolan. "Here Nol, pick one out." She holds the basket to his level and he takes way too long choosing. I want to hurry him along, but she watches him with a patience that is unmatched. "Good choice," she gives him a high five and unwraps a piece of chocolate for him.

She shoots me a look, knowing she got one over on me. "Oh come on, it's Halloween. I know it's all going in the trash the minute we get home. You've got to give them at least one."

I raise my eyebrow. It isn't exactly giving my approval. But their costumes are pretty badass afterall. They can have one piece.

After washing off the gobs of face paint and settling down the kids, we are ready to settle in too. I can see Esa in the master bathroom. Rubbing moisturizer on her legs, I drink in her motions. Everything she does is smooth. She's effortless in the way she takes care of herself, my kids, and even me.

She closes the door and I relax. I'm happy. But then my heart clenches. What if it all ends?

I have to shake away the thoughts, because it's not going to end. She keeps promising me that she's here. It's been weeks since we made that promise in the shower. Her fingers connecting my heart to hers. She's with me- forever.

As she opens the door, I hear something heavy clink into the trashcan. She comes out, rubbing the extra lotion into the backs of her hands. Her face holds an expression I can't read. Frustration, disappointment? But why? We had a great night. She is a tangle of emotions that I rarely understand.

I go into the bathroom that she just left, ready to brush my teeth. Glancing to the trash can, I look to see what she threw away. My heart stops. A pregnancy test. She's pregnant and she's... disappointed.

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