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Where the fuck are my kids?

My eyes have been glued to my computer screen, searching the monitor for the past three hours. Today is grocery day. It doesn't take three fucking hours to get groceries.

I watched her put on their jackets, load them into the car, and drive off. My phone dings. Between two missed calls and four text messages, I expected a response by now.

Be home soon. Her text reads.

She won't be home before me though, I'll be waiting.

I sit on the couch, in the dark. The element of surprise is my natural habitat. I hear the grinding of the locks and know she's opening the front door.

My pointer finger from each hand presses together above my chin. I will rip this little darling to shreds if something happened to my children. How could I be so trusting?

Nolan flies through the door in a blur so fast I almost don't recognize what I'm seeing. "Ah-ah," I hear her call to him. "Shoes, little one." He flings off his shoes and skates on socks into the kitchen. A balloon flails through the air, attached to his wrist. He shucks off his coat and she follows behind him, hanging it up. Tugging off Luna's boots, she sets them back by the door and then puts her coat on the rack as well.

It's all methodical. A well rehearsed dance that they've choreographed. Nolan knows that it's time for dinner, he sits down at the table and waits. "What sounds good tonight?" she asks him gently while Luna slides into her high chair, babbling away.

"Mac n cheese," he squeals, drawing out every syllable.

Esa's long fingers rustle over his hair. "Okay, tonight we'll have that but only if you eat your brussels sprouts too."

He crinkles his nose. "Oh you like those, remember? Come on," she picks him up and moves deeper into the kitchen. "You can help me cook."

My anger subsides knowing that my kids are okay. They're better than okay- they're well fed and happy. But that still doesn't give her the right to take them.

I stalk into the kitchen, intent on delivering my message when a tiger-faced boy crashes into me. "Daddy," he calls, slamming his little body against my leg. He is covered in orange and white face paint. He growls at me, imitating the animal he's supposed to be.

"Tell him where we went," her eyes linger sweetly on him.

"To the zoo," Nolan tells me, jumping up and down, making his balloon bounce. Luna starts clapping her hands watching the orange balloon. Esa looks proud of giving them such a good day.

Everyone is happy but me.

Esa + Case | Romantic Erotica | Nanny Erotica | Pregnancy RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now