.ch 6 case.

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This day was exhausting and fucking stupid. These moronic clients that Damien procured for us didn't deliver a single thing we wanted. And worse I'm late for my kids.

Before I left the office, I checked the monitors one last time. The house is dark and quiet, and it took me a moment to find them. Nolan stirred in his bed and then I see her. Dark hair is long over her shoulders, the loose sweatshirt she wears is dotted with water- no doubt it's from my dolphin of a son. Always flipping around the bathtub. My baby is in her arms and she is rocking her to sleep.

I feel a twitch where my heart used to be. This is her mother's job. I feel another twitch when I think of Luna growing up without one. Adra can help, but she isn't a mother. And I don't know what a little girl needs. I rub the spot over my chest before I realize what I'm doing.

Esa gently places her in the crib and walks out of the room. Only she doesn't, she stops and watches her, making sure she's okay before she leaves.

Why does she care like that? She's known my kids for not even a fucking day. There is something wrong with her and I'm going to figure out what it is.

My stomach growls when I open the door. I kick off my shoes in the garage and loosen the top buttons on my shirt. I stop and run my hands through my hair, realizing that she's cooking in my kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

She jumps, turning around. The loose sweatshirt she once wore is replaced by a black lacy camisole, her dark hair is pulled up in a messy bun, and she has black rimmed glasses on. Even this, she manages to make sexy in a careless sort of way. The camisole doesn't hide her ass like the sweatshirt tried to do, and her breasts peek out over the top of her shirt.

"I didn't really get to eat today and I saw some salmon in the freezer..." she trails off and I realize I'm staring her down like she's red riding hood and I'm the wolf.

She smiles, slowly drawing up the corners of her mouth. But I don't return it. She needs to know what her place here is. She isn't some temptress, here to create my undoing.

"Are you hungry? I also made spinach and I'm roasting some potatoes."

"Taking full advantage of the kitchen, I see." I sink down into a chair at the kitchen table.

Her face drops. "Next time I'll order a pizza," her eyes turn steely and narrow on me. Her voice sounds lethal and it makes my fucking cock jump. Her sass has me ready to bend her over my knee and show her who is the boss of this house.

When she turns back around my eyes can't leave the roundness of her ass. The yoga pants she wears are thin and I can make out the outline of a g-string. She bends over to open the oven and I take it all in. I won't be touching her, but I can give myself some material to use later tonight when I relieve myself.

She fixes a plate of salmon, potatoes and spinach and my mouth actually waters at the way it looks. It's been a long time since a woman has cooked for me. I rest back in the chair, spreading my legs apart, relaxing as she walks dinner over to me. Maybe she does have a submissive side after all. Fixing my plate, bringing it to me first.

She sets it down at the table and eases the seat back. Her lips wrap around the first bite from her fork and she actually closes her eyes like her cooking is so good that she just can't believe it. I watch her, annoyed. Her eyes flick open and her light eyes meet my dark ones.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she says, sweetness in her voice, but I can hear the venom. "Did you want some? I didn't know if you were hungry or not, since you didn't answer my question." She shifts her focus away from me and continues eating.

I thought I wasn't going to touch her. But now I know that my cock will punish that mouth one day soon.

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