"Okay, I have no idea what to do," She spoke to herself but the laboring mother could hear her over all the commotion.

"What do you mean you have no idea what to do, you are a doctor?" The blonde yelled, tightening her grip around the two hands she had a hold of as another contraction came.

"I play a doctor on television, there's a difference," She responded calmly before looking around the room. "We have a hotel full of fake doctors and not a single real one,"

"What can I do?" Grey asked from the corner of the room, trying to be helpful.

"Yes! Grab those towels and hand them to me," The man quickly took the towels from the counter, fixing them before handing them while Danielle screamed in front of her.

"Go away Grey, I can see you looking at my girlfriend's vagina," The brunette spoke loudly, watching him walk away. "Can someone go see where they are with the medics?"

"I will!" Jaina yelled from the doorway before running off down the hall.

"Danielle," Stefania spoke softly, looking up from between her legs that showed that she could be having this baby at any moment. "When I say push, you push,"

"No," Danielle responded dryly before opening her eyes. "What if she gets hurt or she can't breathe or if-"

"Danielle, listen to me, our baby is going to be fine. I need you to stay calm and work with me here, okay?" The Italian tilted her head to the side, remaining in eye contact throughout the sentence.

"Come kiss me," She spoke, giving Gio enough time to get out of the way so she could kiss her. "Okay, I'm ready," Stefania got back into position, scared to even touch her girlfriend.

"Jason, get Jason for me," She spoke, turning to find the tall man in the corner.


"I need you to help me," The older man looked at her with a shocked expression as he looked at her. "You have kids, you've been through childbirth, just stand here and help me,"

"Okay," He spoke as he stood behind her.

"The woman said they would be here in ten," Jaina yelled out of breath.

"Fuck, she's going to be out before then," She spoke as she saw the dark hair of her baby. "Danielle, push," The brunette yelled while listening to her girlfriend scream and rip apart her own body for this child.

The head of the baby was a little bit more seen compared to when before she pushed. "Danielle, I can see our little girl," She smiled as she looked up at her. 

Danielle laid there with her eyes shut as she breathed heavily. "Are you okay, love?" Stefania asked, resting her gloved hand on her leg.

"No, Stefania, I'm having a child at the moment," The blonde snapped before screaming again. 

"Push, push, push," The brunette yelled again this time she didn't push her any farther. "One more, Danielle,"

"Stefania, I can't,"

"You can!" She yelled back at her girlfriend, knowing that only in a few more pushes this baby would be out and the medics would be here. "Danielle, I promise in only a few more pushes that baby will be here,"

"Holy shit!" A familiar voice came from the doorway. Stefania had turned to see that her family was now waiting at the door, shocked by the sight they had seen.

"Someone please update them on what's happening, baby, I need you to push for me," The brunette went back to putting her full attention on her girlfriend.

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