"I still don't understand, what kind of army?"

"Ye know of the fae?" I nodded. "And the power some of them wield?" I nodded again. The fae where most known for their time traveling and sorcery, but it was also said that they could change forms.

"Are you saying Narishka wants the Fae because they can change form?"

"Not just the Fae. There are others, others that are not Fae, but can still change forms. But only one form." He explained.

"Like shape shifters and weres?"

"Aye, pretty much. But they hold a stronger bond with their other form. It's hard to explain if ye're not one of them."

"Oh, I...ok. But again why me? I'm not Fae, or a shape shifter..."

"I donna know, maybe...maybe it's because of the memories."

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that. Now that I think about, we were both wearing clothes like this in them, and I had a slight Scottish accent I think...wow." I struggled to come up with a straightforward explanation. "Could it be, that...we had been a we in another time?"

"Tis' possible. The time I lost...maybe then, but that doesn't explain ye..."

"Actually, it does. I meant to tell you, I have a similar story." I told him about what I experienced three years ago.

"It would seem ye were worst off then I was. I was just missing a few parts of some of my days, and mostly all of my nights. But ye, are missing three years." Lorcan said.

"I'm not missing three years, they just seem to be a little...fuzzy."

"Lass, the Fae are powerful on their own, but when a few elders come together with their books, they are more powerful then anything ye've ever know. It is possible that they erased our time together, and the memories of yer whole life. And replaced them with another's."

"Your not seriously trying to say that my whole life is not mine. What, so I'm really from the 17th century?" I laughed, I think I'd remember that.


"Lorcan...I doubt...," Could it? "Well I guess it's possible."

"Aye, it is. Now come on get dressed. Ye have to eat." He picked up her dress and handed it to her.

"And pick up the boys mess...I swear they are so messy, this morning it was as if a tornado struck." I motioned for him to turn around. "Please, either that or leave."


I turned around, but not without missing the Lilac in the small goblet by the window. I smiled to myself, I hoped to smell that scent much more in the future. "Donna worry, the ladies have cleaned that. They will come here every meal and prepare and clean it for the men. You just have to worry about the other things around here." I heard her struggling, a swear. Not many women swore around these parts, but she was from another time. "What in the Gods name are ye doing? Tis' but a simple dress."

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