~A New Best Friendship Born~

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~Your POV~

"Ginny, was it you who petrified Justin?" I asked, after separating myself from the trio.

"No! Was it you?" She asked back. I widen my eyes before replying. "No!"

We stare at each other with fear on our faces. "Who could've done it then?!" Ginny asked.

"I don't know! We were both in class!" I exclaim.

I looked back towards the trio area, but only to find that they weren't there.

"Wait, where did they go?" I asked. I walked back into the common room and Ginny followed.

I walked over to the area that we were at usually and I picked up a note that was written in Hermione's handwriting.

"Dear Y/n,

Harry, Ron, and I left the common room. We're sorry for leaving you, we had to talk about something. I'm leaving this note so you would know. Don't wait for us to come back to the common room. Go to sleep.


I read the note. "They left." I told Ginny.

She nodded her head. She's been more quiet lately. She's usually the fun and joyful type.

"I'm going to go to the Forbidden Forest." I tell her. She looked at me. "Why so you spend so much of your time there?" She asked.

"I don't know, I just like being a place that's enclosed. No human interactions." I half lie. I like that it's enclosed and that there's no human interaction, so if I want to be alone I would go there.

But not right now. I actually want to talk to Acid, or Jae.

Ginny shrugs. "Ok, don't get eaten." She winks before walking off.


I'm at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. I check my pocket for my wand, and my shoulder for B/n.

Both of them were there, and I walked into the Forbidden Forest. B/n still wasn't really used to the Forbidden Forest but he managed.

I had my wand out just in case anything tried attacking me while I was here.

"Acid?" I call out. Not too loud that dangerous creature might hear me, but loud enough to be heard.

Despite most of the things in the forest not attacking me, I still get a little scared when I know there's something in here to kill me.

"Acid!?" I call out once again. I hear a chirp behind me and I saw a red cardinal on the ground.

It transformed into a human, Jae. "What's up, N/n?" Acid asked.

"I just wanted to talk. There's too much on my mind." I said truthfully. There's all about the Chamber of Secrets thing, then all my school work, and I just need someone to talk to it about.

I always have the trio, and I don't want to lose them.

"Go ahead, let's eat a talk." Jae says. With a flick of her hand, a table and chairs appeared. I stared in awe as she took off her leather bag and opened it up, pulling out some foods.

"What do you want to talk about, N/n?"

I explained to Jae about all the things happening at Hogwarts. I told her about my friends Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"... Hermione and I have a rocky relationship. I live with her because I got kicked out of my old home," Jae sent me a weird glance as she added more food onto her plate.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now