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~Your POV~

After Hermione left, I still thought about the game plan to sneaking into the library. But I thought that I'll think of it later. Harry, Ron, and I were sitting in the common room still, with present wrappers everywhere. With me wearing my watch that Hermione gave me.

I see two more packages that somehow ended up across the room. I go towards them and pick them up, one of them was for me, and the other was for Harry. "Hey Harry, here's another present for you, it's from.... Molly Weasley. Hey Ron! Your mom got us a present!" I exclaim as I pass the present to Harry, right after he took off the invisibility cloak and put it on a chair.

He was took the package but was examining a piece of paper in his hand. Me, being the snoop that I was, walked over to him and read the note. "The cloak belonged to your Father. He left it in my possession before he died, I think it's time to pass it down to you. Use it well." There was no signature from it.

Everything became really quiet and kinda awkward, I tried changing the mood to averting the attention and instead towards the present. "Harry! Open your present, it's from Ron's mom!" I exclaim. "Oh no." Ron groans. "You got a Weasley jumper." He says, seemingly embarrassed.

I look at him confused, but don't pay any mind to it as I tear open the package and take out an oversized F/c jumper, with my first initial at the front, and last name on the back, with a Quaffle underneath it. I don't know how to feel about the last name, but I still love it!

I go to the bathroom and put it on, and come back out, and exclaim "I love it!" as I see Ron apparently already wearing one, that was maroon and had a golden "R" at the front, and Harry had his on too.

I sit down on the ground beside Harry and across from Ron.

"What should we do?" Ron asks, while munching on his sweats that I gave him. I started thinking of some things to do, and I thought that we should go a visit Hagrid, since it's Christmas.

"Maybe we should go to Hagrid's. Wish him a Happy Christmas." I suggest. Ron nodded and got up, as well as me. But when I looked at harry, eh was still sitting on the floor. "Harry? You coming?" I ask.

He was staring off into space. "I think Snape tried to get passed the three headed dog." Harry says, still looking into nothingness. "What? Why would you think that?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"When we defeated the troll, and the Professor were all there, I saw Snape and his leg was all bloodied up. I think that he tried to get passed the three headed dog but it scratched him instead." Harry saying in a tone of voice I can't quite describe.

"I mean, you do have a good point. But I don't think he is. He's a professor, that's a really big assumption." I state. "Yea, but he hates me for no reason, and he probably let the troll in as a distraction to avert everyone's attention. Since it's on the third floor! The dungeons is the farthest from there!" Harry says, I can't lie that it is pretty good evidence.

"I don't know Harry. Let's head to Hagrid's for now, we'll think about it later. It's Christmas!" I exclaim while raising my hands in the hair. he smiled and got up, as we walked out of the Common room and headed towards Hagrid.


We knocked on the hut, and heard some noises behind the door before we saw our big giant friend again, kinda seems like deja vu. "Happy Christmas, Hagrid!" We all chorused and he broke into an even bigger smile than he was already in.

He moved aside and motioned us to come in, we walked into the hut and sad down near the fire place. "Happy Christmas Y/n, Harry, and Ron!" Hagrid exclaims cheerfully. "I got you a present!" I say as I start rummaging around in my pockets, to then pull out a box that had a book about how to identify a dragon, and facts about all the different types of dragons. I know that Hagrid loves dragons, but it's not allowed to have them.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now