~Mystery Solved (Part 1)~

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(I think y'all gonna like this chapter at the end and stuff. )

~Your POV~

We were in the common room by the fire place, sitting in our usual spots. "I can't believe it, that Volde-" I start saying, but get cut off. "Don't say his name!" Ron hissed. "Ok, fine." I say with an eye roll.

"I can't believe that You-Know-Who," I say with emphasis mocking that I used the way that Ron wanted me to say "Voldemort" and he nodded his head in appreciation. "was in the forest, while we were there. He was drinking the blood of the unicorn." I explain to Ron and Hermione was Harry and I saw.

"I can't believe it, you guys couldn't died!" Hermione exclaimed looking at both of us. "Wow, thanks Hermione." I say with an eye roll, as I shift a little in the arm chair next to the fire.

"You two need to be more careful." Hermione said worriedly looking between Harry and I.

I glanced over at Harry to see him looking into nothingness, his eyes blank and lips pursed. He then gasped and abruptly stood up. "Harry, was is it?" I ask, straightening up a bit in my chair, wondering why Harry would just randomly stand up with a very loud gasp.

"We need to find Hagrid, now!" He exclaims, as he runs out the door, with us getting up to follow him out with questions in our head.


We were walking down the hill towards Hagrid's hut.

"It's Snape, it makes sense. He doesn't want the stone for himself, he's getting it for Voldemort!" Harry says, Ron winces a little at the mention of his name. "It all makes sense, on Halloween he tried getting passed the dog, he had this big scratch on his leg, he was trying to jinx my broom in the Quidditch game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" Harry continued.

(Aight, I know that there were so many other Quidditch games, but I feel like this first year is kinda getting boring, and I don't want to bore you guys, so I'mma y'know, start getting first year kinda over, but I did my research on the Quidditch games for Harry's first year and stuff, I know who won the Quidditch cup and stuff so yea, so don't worry and stuff.)

We walk down towards Hagrid's hut and see him playing an instrument while sitting on a rock. "Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed as he saw him.

He stopped playing the instrument and turned to us. "Harry!" He exclaimed.

"That guy at the bar, the one that had the dragon egg, did you see his face?" Harry asked rushed. "No, he had his cloak on the whole time.... But it's fine, some people at the bar liked to be mysterious."

Harry looked panic but still continued asking questions. "What happened at the bar?" "We just talked and had some drinks." Hagrid said casually.

"What did you guys talk about?" "About differen' creatures. Such as dragons, and Fluffy, some others." He said again. "Was he interested in Fluffy?" Harry said even more worried. "Yea, he asked some questions about if he's dangerous or not. Told him to just play some music and he'll be put right to sleep!" Hagrid exclaims with a light smile, then it drops and started muttering "Shouldn't o' said that. Shouldn't have said that. Hey! Where are you goin'!?" by the time he was mumbling, we were already sprinting back towards the castle, me solving that the guy with the cloak was Professor Snape.

"I knew it, it was Snape." Harry says once again, as we run through the halls. "He's probably going to get the stone tonight!" Harry exclaims. Speak of the devil, we turn the corner and see Professor Snape walking down the hallway with his cold expression on his face.

We abruptly stop and he looks us up and down. "Potter." He just says, as he looks at us, continue to walking down the hallway towards us. "What bring you here?" He questions, in his accusing voice. "We were going back to our common room." Harry says, not breaking eye contact with Professor Snape.

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