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~Your POV~

I wake up with a throbbing headache. "Y/n, are you ok? Where did you go last night?" I hear Hermione. My headache starts throbbing. "I'm sorry Hermione, but what?" I ask.

She looks at me. "You came into the dorm last night, didn't pay any attention to me and you just walked in here, went into bed, and then fell asleep. I've also been noticing you've been leaving the house some random times at night when we were living together." Hermione explains.

I go into a panic mode. She's known that I've been sneaking out? "How long have you know that I've been sneaking out...?" I ask. "Ever since you started I think." My anxiety raises even more, but she changes the question. "Where did you go tonight?" All my thoughts came rushing back in.

I remember how the guy Tom Riddle told me to go to the bathroom, he said he was the one that was the book, and he then used one of the unforgivable curses. I don't remember what happens after. It's a little foggy.

"Sleepwalking. I was probably sleep walking, I don't know if I sleep walk, but it probably was as I don't remember anything of it." I lie. "Y/n, I know that's not the truth. What's the actual truth." Hermione urges on, crossing her arms.

I wanted to tell her, I really did, but I couldn't. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you." I reply, looking down. "Wow, we're friends, live with each other, and you can't even tell me where you went? We need to be able to trust each other!" She continues to urge on. "I'm sorry, Hermione! But I can't tell you! Not yet, not now." I try explaining to her. She just looks at me sadly and picks up her back. "I'll meet you down at breakfast." And she left the dorm room.

"Hermione! Wait, you can't be serious!" But she was already out the door.

I turn around, going to look for the journal. I check my desk where it usually is, but don't find anything other than, B/n. "Good morning B/n." I say, taking a deep breath. I pick him up and place him on my bedside table.

The bow truckle probably sensed by feelings and let out a sound of what could be presumably be assumed as. "What's wrong?" I thought that it might be stupid to talk to a bow truckle about my problems, but I guess he's the only one I have right now.

I look inside my pocket and see that I'm running out of insects. I check my watch to see when the net full moon is going to be, and I see that it's actually tomorrow.

I panic, I need to get ready for it. I don't really know much other than that chocolate usually helps. I have a lot of it at desert. I need to get some chocolate, maybe I could get into the kitchens? I'm sure Fred and George would know.

I put the bag back into my pocket. "Sorry, B/n. I'll get you some more insects. But right now, I don't have any." I say sadly. I was about to get ready, when I remembered why I was here for. I look in my pockets to check if the journal was there. It wasn't, I checked other places to see that it was under my pillow.

I grab it and negative feelings washes over me. "This is all your fault. The whole reason why I'm in this predicament is because you imperoed me. And I'm not going to let that happen again." I growled at the book. I put it on my bedside table.

I take one more glance at is, as I grab my clothing, and turn around walking towards the bathroom. I bump the bed, which shakes a little and hits the bedside table, causing the journal to fall and skid across the floor. I turn around, and get irritated. I look around the dorm. "Y'know what, nobody's here. I'll get it when I come back." I say and walk towards the bathroom.


I walk out of the bathroom and sigh. "Let's go, B/n. And get rid of that stupid journal-" I cut myself off as I pick B/n up and place him on my shoulder, and see that the journal that used to be on the floor, was now gone.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now