~A Flying Incident~

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Late chapter because I realized that I've been having the plot all wrong and had to do so many fixes and changes. Hope you enjoy!

~Your POV~

We're all in the Great Hall, eating breakfast. I talk with Hermione while Ron and Harry talk about their stuff. A bunch of owls fly down, with mail in their beaks or claws. We see Neville get a package, and he rips it open and pulls out a small ball. "I know what that is! It's a Remembrall! It turns red when you forget something." And as if on queue, the clear ball turns a crimson red. "The only problem is, I don't remember what I'm forgetting." Neville says, while looking at the Remembrall. We all finish our meals and we head to our classes.

Gryffindor's first class is Transfiguration. Hermione and I navigate our way towards the classroom.

I sit in the classroom class room next to Hermione. I wonder where Harry and Ron are. We're supposed to be writing about something, but I wasn't paying attention of what we're supposed to write, I was too worried on where the boys are, they're late to their first class on the first day of school!

My thoughts got cut off as the door slam open and the two boys come running in out of breath with their text books. "Oh my, we made it. The teacher isn't here! Imagine the look on McGonagall's face would've been if we were late." Ron says with a smile, assuming that he and Harry made it. But little do they know that Professor McGonagall was sitting on her table in her Animagus form.

And as Ron says that, Professor McGonagall jumps from her desk and transforms into human form mid jump to reveal her presence to the two boys that stare at her awe struck, as she walks towards them. "Brilliant Professor." Ron says, trying to get himself out of harms way.

"Thank you Ron, but that does not excuse that both of you are late. Maybe you could've transfigured one of you into a pocket watch to see the time." She says sternly. "We got lost!" Harry announces. "Yea." Ron nods his head, agreeing with his friend. "Well then maybe you could transfigure something into a map to navigate yourselves through Hogwarts." She says, still standing tall and proud. The two boys nodded and went and took their seats. Professor McGonagall moves back to the front of the class. "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts." She said. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." she pronounces.

We start writing down notes and try to transfigure a match into a needle. By the end of class, Hermione was able to completely transform the needle, when mine was only half needle, half match. Which I was still pretty proud of as nobody else was able to make a difference.

I walk out of Transfiguration with Hermione, I say to Hermione that I'm going to go with Harry and Ron and asked if she wants to come along, but then politely declined. So I went with Ron and Harry myself.

"So, next on the list?" I announce, making my presence known. "Flying class!" Ron exclaims with delight. We've been waiting for this all day. I've always wanted to go and learn to fly. We practically skip our way down to the field as we see a bunch of brooms laying down on the ground, and the Slytherin classroom standing on the either side of the two rows of brooms.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" The Professor which I think is named Madam Hooch says. "Go and stand by a broom." She exclaims. Harry, Ron, me, and Hermione all stand line up by a broom. "No, put your right hand forward over your broom, and say loud and clearly 'Up.'" She demonstrates. We lift our right hands and I hear a chorus of "Up". I say so myself, and to my pure surprise, the broom comes right up to my hand. I look around and see Harry's broom do the same, as well as Malfoy's.

I look at Hermione to see her repeatedly say "Up." but to no luck, her broom merely rolls on the ground. Ron kept on saying "Up" and the broom came up, but way too harshly and hits him in the nose with the end of the broomstick. Harry and I burst out laughing, as Ron says "Oh shut it." but we saw that he too had a smile on his face as he rubbed his nose.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now