~Hallowe'en and Mountain Trolls~

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Sorry if I got some of the plot wrong, I completely forgot some major plot parts and yea, so I had to go back in the story and rewrite a bunch of stuff. That's why I posted a late chapter, I'm sorry y'all! Hope you guys enjoy.

~Your POV~

"What do we have next?" Harry asked. After we were done with our meals in the Great Hall.

"Double potions with Snape." Ron says with disgust. "He's Slytherin's Head of House. He favors them. There hasn't been one person in Slytherin that hasn't gone bad." Ron says. I kinda get annoyed by the fact that Ron insults and makes such a big assumption of someone's house. There could be people that aren't mean there.

"I wish Professor McGonagall favored us." Harry said with disappointment. We get to the Potions classes, walk in and sit near the front of the class. Hermione comes in a little later and sits at the front of the class.

We start getting ready for the class to begin, but when we look around we don't see the Professor until we hear the door open and then slam shut. We turn our heads to see Professor Snape with his wand out, flicking it towards the windows causing the blinds to shut close and the potion room in the dungeons even darker. As Professor Snape flicks his wand the last time to close the last blind, he makes it to the front of the class and turns around to face the class. "There will be no foolish want waving or silly incantations in this class." Wow. Way to lighten up the mood Professor. I say in the head sarcastically.

"We will be mastering the exact art of potion making." He says it with so much passion, I'm kinda surprised he didn't make potions in the first place.

Harry started writing this down, but it looked like he wasn't paying attention. So Professor Snape looked over at him and scanned him, seeming as if he isn't listening to him.

"Harry Potter. Our new... celebrity." Professor says with distaste. I can't help but get a little offended myself that he would say that about a student. And make him embarrassed. He never asked for some guy to go and murder his parents. "Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Professor Snape asks Harry. I didn't even understand the question, but as I look up I see Hermione's hand shoot up in the air.

"I don't know Sir." Harry answers honestly. The Professor's mouth curls up to a smirk. "Tut tut, clearly fame isn't everything." Snape says as he ignores Hermione's hand still in the air. "Tell me, Potter. Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" Professor Snape says. I knew this one, that I even shot my hand up in the air. Harry glanced at me then back to the Professor. "I don't know Sir." Professor Snape's smirk grows even wider, still acting completely oblivious to Hermione and I's hand that are quivering to be called on.

"Let's try one more time. What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape says, while glancing towards me for a quick second before back at Harry. "I don't know Sir." Harry says even more irritated. Harry glances at me and Hermione. "Why don't you ask Y/n or Hermione. They see like they know." she says. I had to try so hard to keep my face straight and not even show the slightest smirk as I see the one on Snape's face get wiped right off.

"For your information, Potter-" Professor get's cut off by Hermione interrupting him saying "By mixing asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite."

Professor Snape looks at Hermione and then goes to Hermione's desk. "How dare you interrupt me. 20 points from Gryffindor. And another 20 for being an insufferable Know-It-All." Professor Snape says with a murderous look. I wanted to go up there and punch him square in the face. But I had to refrain from it, or we'll just lose more house points.

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