~Deja Vu~

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~Your POV~

You woke up on the ground like you always do, with pain everywhere. You remember doing the usual: Putting B/n on a tree, this time putting it near the woods. Which put him in danger, and I feel bad about it, but I couldn't because Dobby apparated me here before I could think of what I should do.

I remember going into the forest, transforming, and then not remembering anything.

I groan as I sat up trying to take in my surrounding again. I was in the forest like I remembered. I check my watch to see what time it is. The watch read: 4:17. It just became 4 o'clock. I should head back so I could get at least a few hours of sleep before Hermione and I have to go to Hogwarts.

I try getting up, and like before I feel pain everywhere. I grab onto a tree to help myself stand. I get my balance, and walk out the forest and towards Hermione's house.


Finally, after many days of doing this, it still hurts to get to her place. I slowly turn the doorknob and am relieved that it's unlocked. I walk in silently, and lock the door like it was before, and walk up the stairs with B/n on my shoulder.

I open the door silently too, so I don't wake up Hermione. I peak my head into the room and see Hermione fast asleep. I tip toe in, and grab some healing potion, that's supposed to ease the pain, and drink it. I feel better now, and I wish I could use the spell "Episkey" which is a bandage and/or healing spell.

This is deja vu for me, doing this every month. But I get through it. I sit for a while and grab a water bottle to drink from, before checking the time on my watch again to see that it's 4:58 now, and I should get to sleep.

But before I could, I couldn't help but wonder what Dobby said to me. "Harry's trapped." And "I'm putting him in danger." As well as "The ministry doesn't approve of me."

I first think, 'how is Harry trapped?' and I'm assuming that the Dursley's must've trapped him. That might also explain why he hasn't been responding to any of my letters that I've sent him.

What if they're trying to not send him to Hogwarts? That's what Dobby wants doesn't he? But Hogwart's is Harry's home.

I get up and find a piece of parchment and try to look for a quill. But I remembered I'm not at the manor, and grab what Hermione calls a "pen".

I start writing to people who are mischievous enough to sneak out and go check on Harry.

I'm not saying I'm not mischievious, it's just that I can't do this. So I start writing:

Dear Ron, Fred, and George,

I got a house elf that showed up in Hermione's house said Harry was in danger and trapped. He hasn't been responding to any of Hermione's or mine letters. Could you guys sneak out and check on him and see if he's ok?



(Also just to clarify, Hermione and Y/n aren't sleeping in the same bed. There's two beds in Hermione's room.)

I wake up to someone slightly shaking me. I groan as I try to turn away from the source. Then I remember when I was in the girls dormitory in first year, and Hermione was shaking me awake and I did the same: I turned away from the source.

"Wake up, Y/n. We're going to Hogwarts tomorrow! We need to get our stuff!" Hermione exclaims. "Ok, fine." And I get out of bed and start going over to my drawers. "So where did you go last night?" She asked.

I kinda panicked, but I already told her why. "I went to go hunt insects for B/n." I say, but then see the flaw in my plan, I completely forgot to actually get insects for him. I think I have some insects in my drawer. "Where are they?" She continues to interrogate. Raising her eyebrow as she crossed her arms.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now