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REALLY long chapter! Hope you enjoy!

~Your POV~

After Harry and I had Quidditch practice, we went back to the common room excepting to see Ron and Hermione there. When I saw that they weren't there, the two of us started looking around the castle for them.

It's a giant place so it would kinda be hard to find them, when we searched multiple classes, and corridors, we decided to think of a place that both of them might be.

"Where do you think Ron would be?" I ask thoughtfully.

"The kitchens," Harry says. "but he doesn't know, nor we know how to get into the kitchens anyway."

I thought about maybe some places that Hermione could be. "The library! We didn't check there yet!" I exclaim, eyes lighting up.

We speed walk down the hallways towards the library, and once we walk in, we had to be really quiet. I knew that Madam Pince is very strict about the noise level. You could drop a quill and she would kick you out.

I take look around the library and see my bushy haired friend and a fiery redhead sitting next to the brown haired girl, nearly sleeping, in a pile of books around them.

I motion for Harry to follow me as I walk towards the two people. I see that they're almost covered in piles of books of people from along time ago, or people that did great things. "Why are you guys reading these books?" I ask, and harry seems to be thinking the same thing as he looks at them two questionably.

Hermione looks up from her book. "We're looking through books to see if we can find something about Nicolas Flammel." She says as she goes back from skimming the books.

"Oh, I feel like I've read that name before, I just don't know where." I say mostly to myself, rather than anyone. But Harry, standing right next to me seemed to hear it as he slightly nodded his head, while he stared off into space probably trying to remember.

"Well, you two could help us by looking through these books with us." Hermione says, and so we sat down trying to help.

A few minutes later I see the time and realize that I need to go to Hagrid's. He wanted some help with some stuff and I had to get going. "Oh shoot, I got to go guys." I say and walk out of the library towards Hagrid's.
~Harry's POV~

"Ughhh." I say as I slouch down in my poof chair. "I don't want to read this stuff, why can't I read my other series?" "No Harry. We need to find out who Nicolas Flammel is, to know what's in that package." Hermione argues. "But we already know what's in the package, it's whatever Hagrid got from vault 713." I argue back trying to get out of the library.

"SHHHHHHH! You better hope nobody heard you!" Hermione hissed. "And we don't know exactly what was in the package. We just know where it was shipped from." Hermione says.

I was about to argue back when Madam Pince came around the corner. "You guys are being too loud. You should get out, it's the day before the Holiday anyway." She says sternly as she glares at us. But I almost forgot that tomorrow is Christmas! Probably one of my favorite holidays.

We pack up out stuff as Hermione scolds me for getting us kicked out of the library.

"Great! Now how are we going to find out who Nicolas Flammel is?" Hermione says frustrated. We ran into Y/n on our way towards the common rooms. We started walking up stairs and hallways when we were on the stairs, but then the stairs started moving. We barely payed any mind to it, until it brought us to this corridor.

~Your POV~

"Where are we?" I ask as we look around. "I don't think we're supposed to be here...." Hermione cautiously as she looks around as well, she suddenly gasps. "This is the third floor corridor! We aren't supposed to be here!" But before we can even respond or react, we hear a meow from behind us and I stiffen.

(Possibly Discontinuing) A Second James that Found his Lily (HarryPotterxReader)Where stories live. Discover now