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I slowly started to wake up again. The last thing I remembered was playing football against Hugo and William. I remembered Hugo throwing me over his shoulders. I remembered walking away and turning my head, his brown eyes meeting mine. I remembered a pain in my shoulder, and his panic in those perfect brown eyes. I remember feeling a pain in my chest and then falling down. I remember more shots being fired. I remembered my husbands all calling my name, but not having the strength to say that I was fine. Because, I wasn't fine.

I knew that after the shooting happened, I was probably brought to the hospital. There my husbands would have come to my aid, and bring me to Locatlie. They would have given me that water with a sedative in it meaning I wouldn't have to experience this pain until my body could handle it. They probably did not sign any peace treaty and were currently figuring out whom did it and punishing them. I would probably be in and out of consciousness for the upcoming days.

I was curious how far I would be when I would fully wake up. I was curious to know if Hugo had been able to keep the news of my pregnancy to himself. Of course, he knew that I was pregnant with just looking at me. It frustrated me, but at the same time made me realise why I fell in love with him in the first place. Although, that was tricky enough as it was. He wasn't supposed to be the person I was madly in love with.

I knew that William would respond even more worried and probably angry at Hugo for a bit that he did not inform them of my pregnancy. I could imagine Will's response to laying down next to me, rubbing my belly and talking to me throughout my sleep to make sure I felt included. I knew he'd be immensely worried about me and my baby, but most of all my mental wellbeing. He would also be playing with Oliver the whole time and taking Oliver to me to make sure Oliver wouldn't forget me.

Trevor would be pissed though. He would be angry at Hugo for not debriefing him, meaning that I had to stay behind. He was probably in Gotar 24/7 finding out whom did it and building a case on it. He was probably restless and I almost felt bad for all the people in Gotar whom currently had to deal with his anger.

But after thinking about this for a while I realised my body felt different compared to the other times that I had gotten that water. My head didn't feel heavy, my heartbeat wasn't steady, I did not feel calm. I tried to take in my surroundings but I couldn't hear anything, I was so exhausted, so I slipped back into unconsciousness.

After a while I woke up again and before opening my eyes I tried to hear if I could hear my husband's talking. I did not hear them or anyone, which confused me. I wondered whom was with my perfect brown-haired curly baby boy Oliver. I opened my eyes carefully and I blinked a couple of times.

I saw a ceiling that I did not recognise from any of my stays in Locatlie. It was white, too white, and too bright. I turned my head to the left and I took in my surroundings. I was in a hospital, but it wasn't anywhere in Locatlie. Why wasn't I in Locatlie? I looked to my right and I didn't see any other person either. I was all alone in a hospital room that did not look like it was situated in Locatlie.

I looked out the window and I saw rain pouring down and that was the only thing I could see. This confused me and I heard beeping so I looked even more sideways and I saw that there was a heart monitor and I saw that my heartbeat was out of this world.

It was then that I realised that my hands were tied down, keeping me in place and the panic started to hit. My shoulder and my chest hurt really bad and my head hurt a bit too.

I put my head back down and tears started to stream down my face. All I needed right now were my husbands.

I heard a door open and I didn't look up as I was too exhausted to look up. I felt someone grabbing my hand, someone that wasn't my husband. I didn't feel the comfort from Will, the lust from Hugo or the passion of Trevor. It was a smaller hand as well.

It wasn't until that voice spoke, that I realised where I was and what had happened. That voice was a voice that I had heard singing countless times before. This wasn't good. No.

"It's ok Willow. It's ok. You're in a safe space now. They did a DNA-test on you, and we know it's you. You don't have to go back to those three men ever again. They've been arrested and they will await a public international trial for their crimes. You're safe with me and your father now. It's all ok. You don't ever have to go back to them ever again."

Locatlie: The Truth. (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now