Chapter 18

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"What is the planning for the upcoming week?" I asked as I was sitting next/on top of William a couple of hours later. I had sushi in my arms and Will and I were eating it together.

"There are a lot of things we are going to do, there is something I do want to talk to you about." Hugo said and I looked at him with annoyance, how dare he. "Not your husband, but your king."

"Ok." I said as I finished chewing.

"Several stations have offered a shitload of money to us to be able to do an interview with you. I took one station up for their offer, but if you're not up for it I can always cancel it." Hugo said and I nodded slowly at that. "But I think it would be something that you would enjoy and fit into the roll you want to portray."

"Just me?" I asked as I got another piece of sushi from Will, whom fed it to me and I smiled amused at that.


"But what if they ask questions that I don't know the answers to?" I asked curiously looking at him.

"I proofed all the questions." Hugo said and I nodded slowly. "They won't ask you anything that you can't handle."

"Ok. When is that?" I asked.

"We arrive tonight and we go to our hotel" He said handing me a booklet and it was basically my planning and I looked at it and sighed as there were loads of luncheons and other events with other world leaders spouses and I put my head against William's chin whom gave me a quick kiss. "We will shoot it Tuesday; the edited interview will first be sent to Lucas whom will proof and edit it." He said and I nodded at that "And it will air Wednesday, the day before the big ball."

"Ball?" I said excited as William rubbed my waist, fucking hell why did he have to rub my waist like that.

"Yes." Hugo stated and I nodded as I sat up a bit more comfortable, sitting straight and William held the sushi as I did that.

"Ok. Anything else you want to discuss?" I asked as Hugo looked at me and there was a small smile on his face.

"I think that if we keep this level of professionalism up, especially in public, we will be fine." Hugo said and I nodded slowly.

"It's easy because you told me to think of you as my king, and not my husband."

"I know" He said amused and I couldn't help but giggle at that a bit as I gave William a piece of sushi as we then discussed several questions I might get and the rest of the planning.

"it's time to get ready, my queen." Yara said and I nodded as I stood up as I climbed over Hugo; being very careful not to touch him though. I walked with her towards the bathroom area and I took a shower before I looked through the outfits that they had brought with for this entire week and I nodded at that. I put on a simple outfit and they put a loose braid in my hair. I walked out of the area here to the main area and the three of them were all semi formal. I sat down next to Trevor, whom did a double take and a small smile appeared on his face as he continued to read.

"So, paparazzi will be there when we arrive?" I asked and Trevor nodded right away as he looked at me.

"Yeah, and we'll get in the car and go to a house."

"A house of ours or?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No dad got it from Bob Davids" He said not looking up and I nodded slowly. "Simon always went there whenever there were summits."

"Wouldn't Jason want that though?"

"He's going to the Jefferson mansion." Trevor said. "Lucas and I thought it wouldn't be smart if we went there."

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