Chapter 6

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"You haven't spoken to Trevor about what I discussed with him last night?" I asked as I looked at Hugo. Maybe he was bluffing and he had known and he didn't care. But knowing Hugo; he would care.

"Trevor hasn't told me anything about last night other than that the two of you had a good conversation and that the two of you made up." He said and I nodded slowly "What else should he have told me?" I sighed.

"That's a no then. Fuck" I said putting my head back. I was a fucking idiot. I was a full-blown fucking idiot.

"What did he not tell me then?" He asked and I looked out at the beautiful country in front of me.

"Why don't you focus on the perfection that is this country and getting us home safely?" I said with some amusement. Although that amusement masked my fear and I right away saw in the corner of my eyes, that Hugo knew that I was masking my fear.

"I'm a great multi-tasker Jules." He replied casually with a small smile and I couldn't help but giggle. Of course, he could.

"Is this line secure?" I asked and Hugo looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "No, I'm serious. Is this line secure? Nobody else but the two of us can hear it?" I asked.

"That is correct. No opportunity for hacking either. The only person that might get to hear this is Trevor, if I think that it is necessary. But he already knows it." He said and I nodded slowly at that as I bit my lip and my leg was shaking a tad.

"That I sometimes have doubts. That I was presented with an opportunity to go to the United States to my then unknown parents. That the only reason I didn't take that opportunity at that time was because I knew that that chance would fail. The attempt to escape wouldn't succeed." I said and I stared at him, patiently waiting how he would react.

I could see his head going in overdrive; he could not handle this information. It was silent for a full minute as I observed his face, but he after ten seconds changed his whole demeanor. He let go of my hand and placed it back on the steering thing. He became King Hugo instead of my husband.

"When?" He asked carefully, but his voice was the king voice and not my husband's voice.

"Tattooed fucks" I replied looking out. "They have connections with Jason Davids, I didn't at the time realise what that meant. They were going to bring me to a place and then back to my parents." I said and he nodded slowly and carefully at that.

"If you bump into someone right now whom would take you home to your parents, would you accept?" He asked and I looked ahead and my heart was racing. Would I?

"Now? No" I then lied, although I wasn't sure it was a lie.

"Because you love us and want to stay with us, or because you know we would get you back within a day, even if that meant war?" He replied coolly and fuck the atmosphere of this night changed. If I had just kept my mouth shut.

"Both" I then answered honestly. "I love the three of you more than I love myself and I think that it would hurt me more to be apart from you, than be with you." I said as I started to play with my wedding ring. "And I also do not want people dying for me, I don't want the world to go crazy because of me." I said carefully and I looked out the window and looked down at some lights, I had no idea where I was. "I'm also pregnant with your child so you know." I said with a small shrug.

"My mother was locked up for less, you do realise that right?" Hugo said calmly, looking at me now. I looked back at him; his perfect brown eyes boring through mine. Fucking hell, those eyes.

"I do." I confirmed carefully looking at him as I felt tears appearing in my eyes.

"I could literally fly this helicopter to the airport, put you in there, and escort you personally to Gotar along with my brothers." He said and my heart was beating out of my chest. "We would state that you aren't feeling well" he was thinking out loud. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. "And we'd bring you to Gotar where you will give birth to that child, you will get a mind cleansing and then you will provide us with more sons."

Locatlie: The Truth. (Book 4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora