Chapter 15

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Two mornings later I woke up and took a long shower. The past day I had stayed in this room and thought about what happens now, how I would go forward with my plan. How I would live on with my three husbands. Every time I closed my eyes and reopened them; I had hoped it had been a nightmare. That it had all been some fucked up dream of mine, but every single time I opened my eyes I realised that this was my reality. My husband had cheated on me and had impregnated his ex-girlfriend. When the water started to become colder, I stepped out of my shower and I put on a sweater and a pair of sweatpants. I wasn't even bothered with dressing nicely; what was the point of dressing up nice, if I wasn't enough anymore?

I walked down the stairs over towards the breakfast area. I saw Trevor sitting on the couch area eating his breakfast and he still looked royally pissed off. William was staring ahead, but the moment that I walked in, he looked up at me. The three fathers were all staring at me nervously as well. I looked for Hugo and his face looked even worse than last night, but the thing that royally pissed me off, was that he was holding my son. I walked up to Hugo and I grabbed Oliver away from him.

"Stay away from my son." I snapped as I held onto Oliver whom was asleep and I held onto him tightly as I went and sat down on the chair.

"Our son. We all take care of that boy." Hugo said calmly, hoping that his calmness would spread to me, but he could go fuck himself. "The rules dictate that we all take care of your children."

"Well, the rules also dictate that you don't fuck other people and impregnate other women, but I guess the rules only apply when they're helpful to you." I said casually looking at Oliver. "I don't want you near my son, you'll have another child to take care of in 8 months." I said as I gave Oliver kisses and I rubbed his back carefully.

"Julia, stop thinking with your emotions, and think logically for a second. You can't keep me away from our son." Hugo said with a hint of annoyance. That fear and humbleness from last night had magically disappeared and once again he was being the rulefucking asshole.

"Watch me." I said looking up at him and he stared at me with no sadness, but he actually seemed annoyed. "You can go have children that you can annoy with your cheating face with your precious Heather, but you're not coming anywhere near my son." I said as I held him closer to me.

"Julia, can we talk about this. I can understand that you're angry."

"Angry?" I said looking at him. "I'm not angry. I'm heartbroken." I replied. "You broke my heart, no you broke me. There is nothing left to talk about between the two of us. I can't legally and religiously divorce you and stay married to William and Trevor." I said calmly as I gave Oliver a small kiss. "So, I will stay married to you, but that's only for show. I don't want you near me nor my children ever again." I said calmly as Hugo stared at me shocked. "I don't know what the usual punishment for cheating assholes are, I don't know if it ever happened in the country's history, but this is your punishment from me. I don't want you near me or my children ever again, you will live the rest of your life alone and without the ability to please the Goddess of Seglusa." I said and his eyes widened in shock and tears appeared in his eyes. "I won't ever be able to forgive you for this and the fact that you think we can talk this out casually, is absolutely ridicules and is an insult to our relationship, or what I thought our relationship was." I said calmly as Charlotte walked in and I handed her Oliver after giving him a kiss. I then took a bite of my yoghurt and I looked at Hugo whom looked back at me. "You were my everything, you were my sanity, you were my stability, you understood me, you made me feel alive, and with one dick-driven action of yours, you crushed me and broke my trust. Something that is going to influence not only our nonexistent future relationship, but also the relationships that I have with your brothers. You are the sole reason all of this is happening, and you cannot gaslight me on any of this." I said and I took another bite of my food and he stared at me and nodded slowly at that.

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