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Julia P.O.V

It was eerily quiet in the room. On the left one of my three husbands was standing. He was the eldest of my three husbands, only by 5 and 10 minutes, but still the fact that he was born first meant that he had much more power than his brothers. William was the Leader King of Locatlie, the country that was known around the world as the biggest and most ruthless dictatorship. William was the leader king which meant that he had Veto power over his brothers and the decisions that his brothers wanted to make. If he did not agree, it would not happen. Because he was the Leader king, he was also immensely serious when he was in public. He had green eyes like his mother, whom had been killed barely two years ago. Hence why I was currently here. His brown slightly curly hair was neatly styled, almost to perfection. He had an oval face with a slightly too big nose for his face, but it suited him. He was very caring, very understanding, but most of all he was immenlsy loving; hence why his nickname from me to him was Love. He was also really patient and understood all sides of me overall the best. He had the perfect Poker Face. There was no emotion in his eyes nor his face whenever he was playing the role of King. He would not show one shred of emotion, and that was what he was doing right now.

On the right stood my second husband, the second born. Hugo was the second king and he was in charge of International relations. Not only did he have to do this, because his two brothers wouldn't be able to do it this well, but also because he had a talent that the whole world would be jealous of. I always called it 'mind-reading'. He could observe a person for a couple of minutes and know right away what they would think, what they believed in, but most of all what their biggest fears were. And he used those fears and made sure that it would be used to his advantage. Any politician that was just in office, did not want to meet with him one month in, because even though he was only 25 years old, he was the best politician in the world. But then again, the use of pure and utter fear did help with that He was a master manipulator, but also one of the kindest and most understanding people I had ever met.

He always strictly followed the rules, and if you thought about it any differently, or acted differently, he would act on it. Apart from me. He understood me the best when I was acting 'black' or 'white', that meant that he understood me when I abided to the rules and acted accordingly. When I didn't, he would call it the Grey monster. He did not understand the grey monster, but it was a work in progress. We had only been married for less than a year, and knew each other for the same amount of time.

He had brown curly hair that went all over the place as well, it was curlier than William, and it was styled a tad neater. The one thing that always took my breath away, and he knew that too, was his perfect brown eyes. I would only have to look into those Brown eyes and I would forget any worries I had in my body. They were the perfect colour and it was my favorite colour in the world. But this time those brown eyes weren't staring at me with a loving look, no he was observing me as if I was a politician that he had to manipulate. I was a subject to him, not his wife.

My third husband was standing right in front of me. He had just closed and locked the door behind him. Trevor was the third son and he was the king responsible for security and intel. One of the reasons why Locatlie was so feared throughout the world was because they were so advanced in technology, they had made and designed things that the rest of the world dreamed of. If you as much as said something bad about one of the kings, they would know within seconds, and you would be punished. You would be put in Gotar, the jail in Locatlie, where you would not be treated as a human anymore. And that is where Trevor worked. He was also called the 'King of Knives', mainly because he loved torturing inmates, although he called it interrogation. The whole world knew about the reputation that Trevor had, but no country dare does anything, because he knew all the secrets of the world leaders, if you as much as drove a kilometer beyond the limit, Trevor would know and give that information to Hugo whom would then make sure he could use it in his favor.

He was the scariest person in the world, but to me he was my safe space. He was my everything, he was the funniest person I had ever met, and he understood my 'grey monster' the best; because he was one and all grey. He was crazy, but so was I, and that matched great. His blonde curly hair, that I was absolutely obsessed with, was all over the place, and his blue eyes were looking at me, observing me. His blue eyes were my gateway to understanding him. I could look into those perfect blue eyes and within a second know in which mood he was, and right now he was in the role of "king of knives".

This was because we had just had a dinner with the president of the united states, whom had told me that 8 years ago, when I had been taken, his cousin had been taken too. This wouldn't be a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that I did not know whom my parents were. I was taken when I was ten years old, and for 7 long years I had been brainwashed into forgetting whom I was, and anyone or anything from my old life. I had then gone through the Process and I was chosen to be the wife of the three kings of Locatlie. Although, technically, I had not been chosen. I had 'won' by default. Something that I held against them every now and then. Apart from Trevor; from the moment our eyes had met, we both knew that we were meant to be and he was stubborn so he fought for what he loved, and voted for me, even if the rest of the kings and their fathers did not.

I was not allowed to know anything about my previous life, and yet I had just figured out whom my parents were. The most powerful people in the United States; Brad Jefferson and Ana Johnson. Brad Jefferson was the son of one of the biggest rock stars of the 80's, and he himself was the most famous and most awarded rapper and musical act in generations. Not only that, but he had his own record company, and loads of other businesses. His sisters both were politicians so he had loads of power. Ana Johnson was the biggest female act of the world, she had numerous number one hits, and she was married to Brad Jefferson. That would not have been a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that Brad Jefferson was childhood best friends with Bob Davids. Bob Davids was the son of the bandmate of Brad Jefferson's father. He himself had played the drums of the biggest rockband of the 21st century; Geografica. His son, Jason Davids, was the current United States President. And he had just dropped a bomb during dinner.

I looked at Trevor and he stared back at me and I was wondering whom was going to speak first, but Hugo had once told me that during a negotiation or interrogation, the person that speaks first will automatically lose. I stood leaning against the table that was in the living room of the house that my husbands had in the United States, my broken arms crossed, looking at my husbands, waiting for them to talk.

They were probably angry at me for asking several questions about 'Willow Jefferson', which was my name before they had taken me. But I was angry at them for not telling me before we arrived here in the United States. They had promised me after I had been taken against my will merely months ago, and found out that I wasn't chosen first, that they would always tell me information I needed to know, so I would not be blind sighted. 

And yet here we were, I was blindsided, and awaiting an explanation.

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