Chapter 16

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"Do you want to go to Gotar now?" William asked half an hour later, as I had calmed down slightly. Well actually, my voice had given in and I couldn't make any sound anymore. I looked into his eyes, his perfect green eyes and that relaxed me a bit. "What do you want to do love? Anything you want to do; we will let you do it."

"I just want to sleep." I whispered softly as I leaned against Trevor. "Both of you." I added and William nodded slowly at that.

"Then let's go to your bedroom and we'll sleep. Anything you want." William said. "I'm sorry about before." he whispered but I didn't respond to that. "Do you think you can walk, or does Trev need to carry you?" I nodded at that and Trevor picked me up. We walked towards the 'family wing' so to speak where I had spent the past two nights. Trevor went and laid in bed, placing me next to him. I put my arms around him, holding onto him tightly, as William laid on the other side, and I put my legs in between his right away, as that was my comfort. He put his arm around my waist and pressed a kiss on my back. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep right away.

When I woke up, Trevor and William were still laying here, but they were both reading something. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and I climbed out of bed. "Love?" William said but I ignored that as I went to the bathroom, as I really needed to pee. I then looked in the mirror and I saw huge circles under my eyes and my eyes were red. My face also kept some fluids in which meant that my face just looked horrid. I grabbed some creams and I started applying them to my face and I then took a shower for a bit. Afterwards I did my hair in two inverted braids. I had to distract myself from the pain I was feeling right now. Although I wouldn't really describe it as pain, it was more a missing, as if a part of my soul wasn't complete anymore. I didn't feel complete. I walked out with my towel and went towards the dressing room. I put on a pair of sneakers and a simple sports bra and a shirt. I then put on my running shoes and I grabbed the iPod that Trev had gotten for me with my music and I put my earbuds in.

"Babe?" Trevor said as he walked in carefully. "You ok?"

"I'm going for a run." I stated as my voice was hoarse. "I'll take security with me, but I just need to be semi alone." He nodded slowly and I saw the worried look on his face. I walked up to him and I hugged him and he put his arms over my shoulders to hold me. "Thank you." I whispered softly.

"For what?" He whispered back as he rubbed my back.

"Stopping after two punches." I said and I gave his chest a kiss and he nodded slowly as he grabbed my face.

"Anything you need, I will do for you. You do know that right?" He said and I nodded slowly. "If you want me to lock him up, I'll do that for you. If you want me to ignore him, I will. Anything."

"I know." I confirmed and I leaned up and gave him a peck. "Thank you." I said and I gave him another short hug. I walked out of the dressing room and up to William whom had stood up and was stretching. His back was facing me and I walked up to him to hug him and he turned around right away to hug me back.

"Thank you." I whispered softly burying my head in his chest.

"Of course." he whispered back and I leaned back and I gave him a peck. "Going for a run?"

"Yeah. Need to clear my head" I stated and he nodded at that. "I'll bring security with me. Watch out for them." I said and he nodded.

"I will. I love you." I nodded as I gave him a quick peck and I then put my earbuds into my ear and I walked out of the house, passing some maids and shit and I walked towards the security building.

"Running security please." I stated to the person there and the man nodded. I put my leg up against the building to stretch a bit. I did that with both of my legs and after a while there were security men waiting for me and I ran with them and we did a rather long route. After a while we arrived back and I did some of my stretching, my leg on the building again and I put my hands against my feet. The run cleared my mind a bit, but it didn't heal my soul. But then again, that wouldn't be healed for a very long time. I looked up as I saw that people were kneeling and I turned my head and my heart froze as I saw Hugo walking up with some of his security; and he seemed to have gone for a run too. But I didn't care about that. I looked back ahead and after finishing my stretches, I walked into the house and went to the backyard where the pool was. I took off my pants, only wearing my thong now. I took off my shirt and my shoes and socks. I took off the music buds and I dove into the water and I swam for a very long time, until my body started to hurt. I needed to feel a physical pain to get rid of the mental pain, but none of it helped. After a while I was exhausted and I climbed out and sat on the side and I was totally out of breath and I couldn't get it in control. This resulted into me bursting out into sobs again, my head in between my legs.

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