Chapter 19

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"You want to hold my hand babe?" Trevor asked as we were waiting by the door to get out of the plane and I looked up at him with an amused look.

"Are we allowed to hold hands?" I replied in the same tone and he giggled and nodded as the door opened and Hugo and William walked out together at the same time, hopping down in their cute semi run situation. Trevor held my left hand with his left and he put his hand on my back as we walked down the stairs. There was a lot of wind and I giggled at that a bit as I did see loads of flashes. We then arrived on the ground and I smiled very widely as he rubbed my back as we walked towards the car that was waiting for us. I climbed into the car, him standing behind me and protecting me basically. I climbed in and he then climbed in after me and he put his hand on my leg and he gave my temple a kiss.

We then drove for about an hour towards the house and I was on his phone playing some stupid game and my legs were up against the ceiling, my body against his. He had his arm around my waist and he was discussing some small things with Will and Hugo.

We arrived at this huge ass house and there was loads of security here. "Is this normal for this house?" I said pointing to all the security.

"O, yeah, all of the Davids families have loads of security and hidden rooms in their houses and shit like that. Even a helicopter pad and escape routes."

"Interesting." I said and Trevor giggled as he gave me a short peck as we walked out and I looked around the house and I felt this horrid feeling again.

"You stayed here before or?" I heard someone ask as I was looking at this painting that was so interesting, it was in the main hallway, as we had already seen the rest of the house. I turned my head and saw that it was Hugo and he was leaning against the stairs a bit nervously looking at me.

"Willow made this painting." I then said with some amusement and he frowned at that as he went and stood next to me and saw Willow and then '30 in the corner

"She was very talented." Hugo said and I nodded slowly.

"Such a pity her life was taken for some shitheads whom wanted to abuse her." I said calmly staring at the painting for a longer time. We didn't know if this place was bugged, so for the next week we had to act like I was Julia even more.

"Yeah, it's a pity." He said carefully. "Will is settled into his room. It's the main bedroom, of course."

"Leader king privileges." I said  looking at Hugo with a tad of interest. "Good night." I said and I walked up the stairs and I went to the main bedroom and William's team was taking out all the suits of his in the closet.

"He's in the bathroom my queen." His personal assistant said.

"Where will my stuff be?" I asked looking around a bit.

"In the fourth guest room my queen." He said and I nodded slowly at that. I walked up towards the bathroom where Will was waiting in the bathtub. I took off my clothes carefully and took a short rinsing shower before I climbed into the bath and I moaned.

"Leader king privileges huh?" I said as I put my head against his shoulder and he put his chin on my shoulder and gave my cheek a kiss.


"Getting the best room?" I replied and he smiled against my neck.

"Of course." He said and I smiled as we talked for a very long time about everything and nothing before we went to bed, where he used me for his nerves. Afterwards I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up early because Will had woken up early. I took a long shower with him and he smiled as he gave me several kisses.

"Can we have dinner tonight? I'm staying with Trev, but I want dinner with you?" I said as I rubbed his chest. "Or is that not allowed?"

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