Chapter 1

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"Well?" I said after a full minute of silence, not being able to handle my anger anymore. Although this was probably because I was currently 16 weeks pregnant and I did not have my emotions under control. I took two deep steady breaths before talking again. I had to be calm, I could not turn this into a screaming fight; because I knew that was what they expected, and they were amazing at calming me. But I did not want to be calmed, I wanted an explanation. And Quick. "Was what President Davids said true?"

"Yes." William responded. "You are the second daughter of Brad Jefferson and Ana Johnson. Your name was Willow Jefferson" He stated and I nodded at that slowly, but I couldn't help but scoff. They were fucking idiots. I looked at Trevor whom was still standing by the door and any sense of calm that was in me, disappeared, as I saw him standing there like some watch dog.

"Well, first of all, I want to say that I am immensely offended by what you're doing now Trev." I started, glaring at him. "Leaning against the door, standing there like some watch dog, in case I want to leave." I snapped. "The fact that you think I want to leave in the first place, hurts me."

"You have the tendency to run away when your emotions are heightened." Trevor replied coolly, and the way he was speaking to me, it hurt me to the core. He was right though, when William had smiled at another woman, I had run away from him, and they had to get the Locatlie military to find me. Then when I thought I was pregnant, I went into Gotar prison without informing them, meaning that they had to look for me.

"Second of all." I started, ignoring what Trevor had said. "I love you three so fucking much, but your family are fucking idiots." I said and I looked at Hugo, whom stared at me with a dark look, probably because I said 'your' family instead of 'our family', but I did not care about that right now. "Why on earth would you first take the granddaughter of the sister of the queen of England?" I stated, as I was talking about their mother "And then decide, you know what, let's take the daughter of two of the most public figures in the world, and the biggest stars of that generation, and parade her around for the world to see?" I demanded, waiting for an answer. But they did not give that to me, so that resulted into my mind going into overdrive. "Well? Am I just a game to you guys? Am I just a fucking pawn?" I said my annoyance levels highering with the fucking second. I took off my shoes, as my ankles were killing me and I placed it next to me. "Was that story about the other girls even true? I'm just." I said and I felt tears start to appear in my eyes. Normally one of my husbands would stop me if I started this rambling, they would want to put me out of my misery. But right now, they didn't, they were all just observing me. "I'm just a pawn in your stupid game. You guys never loved me, did you?" I stammered as tears started to rush down my cheek. "I'm just a pawn in some power-trip that you guys need. I'm just a puppet in your stupid game" I said as my voice broke now. "And now the three of you are all standing there by the doors all broody, while you're the ones playing me." I said.

"Do you want to leave?" Trevor then snapped and the way he said it, it went right through my heart and I looked at him now, my pain slowly transforming into anger. Although, my emotions were all over the place at the moment. Did I want to leave? I absolutely wanted to leave. I wanted to go to my family. I have had several opportunities to escape Locatlie and go back home, but every time I knew that it would fail. This was another one of them, they were obviously not going to let me walk out the front door and go to Jason and say "It was all a joke, I'm back bitches.".

"No" I replied. "Off course not?"

"Then why are you so upset about this? You knew your family was a powerful family within the United States?" He said and I stared at him in total shock.

"Why I'm upset?" I said in total and utter shock. "Why I'm so angry?" I then said, highering my voice. Well, there went my calmness. "There is a piece of all of you in me. All I am is somehow because of the three of you. My whole existence ever since I was ten years old, has been so that I could be your wife. I gave my whole heart to all three of you, loved you unconditionally, did not judge you at all. And now" I said as tears streamed down my face. "now I find out I was just a pawn in a stupid power-driven game. I thought the three most important men in my life, the three most important people in my life, loved me too. But I just realised that that isn't the case at all." I said shaking my head looking at Hugo whom was still looking at me as if I was some object and I looked down at my hands. I hoped that my husbands would tell me that they did love me, that I was not some stupid pawn in their game. But they did not say anything, and I then remembered another thing, and I looked up "You three promised me, after I was taken by the tattooed fucks, that if there was anything that I had to know so I would not be blind sighted" I said looking at William now, whom looked at me. "You would tell me. All three of you looked me in the eyes and promised that to me and that did not happen. If I wasn't such a darned good actress, tonight could have gone totally different. Jason was watching me like a fucking hawk, if I let my guard down for one fucking second, it would have been ruined." I said.

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